One Tweet to Promote Steem! Join the Human Blockchain!

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

By now you may have seen certain Steemians inexplicably waving their hands around on Twitter. Dubbed the "wiggle," the "Steem Wave," and "S for Steem," I have also seen our Steem Clan hand gesture referred to by confused onlookers as a "blessing," a "dance," and a "snake" 😱. @paulag was even asked if maybe she had joined the Illuminati!

Rival Clans call it "a problem." They say we "came out of nowhere and took over this key."

But it isn't over yet! The Clan Key challenge runs until June 15th.

We Need All of STEEM to Help!

This key is an opportunity to showcase the thing that makes STEEM stand out above all the rest - our diverse and actively engaged community!

@dmilliz's smooth wave

While other cryptos do market research and talk about mass adoption, we quietly mass adopt. While other cryptos pay lip service to decentralization, we blaze ahead into the decentralized future, taking all the slings and arrows (@steemitblog) from those who complain that we lack regulation or a cohesive central planning structure.

Yet here we are, offering refuge to deplatformed YouTubers (@theycallmedan, #3speak, @dtube) and bloggers (@partiko, @steempress), providing a real use case for crypto (@steemmonsters, @steemhunt, @homesteaderscoop).

@greencross's technical wave, featuring @enginewitty and @paulag

Don't Pass Up This Opportunity - Join the Human Blockchain!

We have until June 15th to prove that Steem (not just the Steem Clan of Treasure Hunters) has the best community in crypto.

There is no need to commit to the broader Hunt for Satoshi's Treasure to be a part of this community effort. You can do this for your own personal gain. Each participant in the SteemClan chain will earn 1 share of @steembasicincome, with more prizes to be made available by lottery. Feel free to make it part of your daily @actifit or #seven77 post.

@nathanmars's energetic Steem wave

How to Join the Human Blockchain

Step 1 - Do not assume others will do this for you. We need as many active Steemians as we can find.

Step 2 - Decide if you are willing to show your face on Twitter. You do not have to be an active Twitter user, but showing a human face is a requirement. The face does not need to be your own, but it must be human and must not be used more than once during this challenge.

Step 3 - Sign up using one of two methods: our Google form or our Discord. The signup asks only for your Steem name and the Twitter handle you will be using. We need this information to keep our human blockchain orderly and avoid any "double spending" or "missed blocks".

Step 4 - Spend about 30 seconds making your video, and another 30 tweeting your block. That's it. Please be sure to confirm with the Steem Clan which block you are assigned, so you will know which video to feature in yours and which tags/link to include. The Steem Clan has been working behind the scenes to ensure each block tweeted is valid and our video blockchain remains intact. We will reach out to you by whatever method seems most likely to get to you: Discord, Twitter, or Steem Wallet. Once your tweet is confirmed, you are done!

@dreemsteem's Original Steemy Wiggle

Step 5 (optional) - Join the Steem Clan for more Satoshi's Treasure Hunt adventures!
When we win this Key, we will have an edge over all the other Clans as this key is unique and awarded ONLY to the winning clan chain. That's why we need your help to show the other clans, consisting of crypto and tech enthusiasts around the world, what the STEEM community is capable of.

If all of this piques your interest, we can use more Hunters for the team. Those located in Australia or Asia and those with cryptography and decoding skills are especially needed, but a wide range of skills and backgrounds are needed in this Hunt, so all are welcome!

Closing Thoughts

We knew this challenge was made for Steem the moment it was issued. We started off strong with six blocks before our competition had even tweeted one. For most of this challenge we have been ahead, until the "Granny Dash."


That's right, a rival clan took a phone and a laptop to a community center and recruited a bunch of grannies from their Bingo game. While technically not against the rules, this dubious tactic caused them to pull ahead. Eleven grannies (two not shown) in one fell swoop. As of today, they are in the lead.

Do You Believe That Steem Can Be Defeated With Such Tactics?

Of course you don't. And you're going to do something about it, right?

Clan Chain Signup Form

Steem Clan Discord


I couldn't resist... 😂


Gif queen Traci strikes again with the perfect gif!

I was human block 30! Come on #steemfiction members, come on #powerhousecreatives, come on #seven77 members, come on @actifit members!
We can't let some granny-stealin' clan win by dubious means!

@wholeself-in Good ! 💙

far far away from @bluengel

Let's Keep On ! 💙
#steem ♨ On ! to the 💙 Universe !

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @bluengel! Would you like to tweet a block to promote Steem?

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trauma for show up faces ! :(

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Understood. Plenty of people feel that way.

someday it will be cured ! :)

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곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.012을 보팅해서 $0.011을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 5202번 $58.153을 보팅해서 $66.176을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

고마운 곰도뤼~💙

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Hahahhahaa it's definitely called the WIGGLE. Lolololol

Nice write up! glad we are a problem for other clans!!! Hehhehee hopefully we will remain a problem and win! 😂😂😂

Well of course you are the genesis wiggle, but I'm leaving it open for the men to draw an austere, manly S.

🤣🤣😂😂 ok you have a point! Lololol

That's thoughtful of you!!!

But you know deep down they wanna be wigglers... 😜

I am totally at a loss here.
I have a twitter account, but I almost never go there. You said:
Step 4 - Spend about 30 seconds making your video, and another 30 tweeting your block. That's it. Please be sure to confirm with the Steem Clan which block you are assigned, so you will know which video to feature in yours and which tags/link to include.
tweeting My Block what does that mean?
I am in Discord, in about 8 different servers
What's a "Steem Clan?" and why do I need to join one?
How would I know who to ask about which block I am assigned?
I live in a building full of senior citizens, if I understood this better, I could possibly
Recruit some folks to help counter that "Granny Thing"

I would love to help! It is not necessary to join the Steem Clan Discord, but that is an easy way to connect with us so we can orient you:

The Steem Clan is our local team for the Satoshi's Treasure Hunt. The Hunt itself is massive, this is just one of many tasks. I'll answer some questions here, in hopes you will be emboldened to make a block yourself:

This is an example of a "block" in the human blockchain.
@prettynicevideo went above and beyond using a picture-in-picture, most of us just held the previous video on our phones. The basic idea is we make a chain of videos, all making the same gesture and each holding a link to the previous video in the chain. It proves team cohesion; we have to communicate to pull this off.

I hope you can join us! I'd like to say the grannies won't be necessary, but I would not rule it out...

HAHAH it is funny to see my face on this LOL. I hope more steemians realize what is at stake here and join in. I shall help spread the word


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This post is sponsored and featured by @Appreciator to encourage #Seven77 Challenge. Just keep up the good work.

Recent additions to the SteemClan blockchain (thank you @isaria and @carrieallen!)

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@missaj his isbwhat we have been doing , join us :) let’s get the treasure

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Still lost 😂

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Hi @missaj, yeah it takes a little explaining.

We are in a competition to win a key, just a part of the secret key needed to unlock a jackpot of $1 Million in Bitcoin!

For this key the challenge is pretty easy. No decoding or puzzles, just really the community to build the longest human "blockchain" on Twitter. It's a "blockchain" because each new video in the chain has to display the one that came before and include the link in the tweet.

If you would like to help, your part takes only a few minutes to get the correct link/tags for your tweet, make a video, and tweet it. Our discord group is coordinating the chain to keep the links in order.

This is an example of a "block" in the human blockchain.

What do you think? Are you thinking of helping us? (We are close, and we want to win!)

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@wholeself-in Tell me more- team / block / family !

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