@midlet's Tell My Story Contest! -> Kopuk! Episode 1

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Wow! Is that the sun coming up ALREADY!!! This M-class planet runs on a 20 hr cycle. And Sun Rises in the North and sets in the South. Interplanetary snafus ha!

For now I am freaking exhausted! I need some of that “Purple Kush” from Andromeda galaxy infused in a "Kuna energizer coffee triple shot!!! Got to get off this blasted cockpit and clear my head!

As I slide off the top of the cock-pit, first landing ass end on the platform below with my legs dangling off the side. I press my feet, and launch myself into the air, missing the man-hole cover by a foot or more. I head to the kitchen and reach in the fridge for a Bottle of “Kopuk” Coffee infused and energized. “Bottle’s” who the fuck uses bottles anymore??? This company teeters the line between tech and anti- tech it seems, but they make one hell of a drink! and even I gotta to admit it tastes better in a glass! Kona Coffee Purple KushKopuk! The dark roast Kona beans very evenly coat my tongue with a non-bitter reflection of my past so many light years away now.

Hard to believe 15 years ago I was just a grease monkey on the naval base in Oahu. Moved up the technical ladder fast able to fix anything they threw at me, but I had no interest in playing Ranks. I loved my time in the service but when offered this opportunity to work on spacecraft with a new shuttling concept between galaxies, I couldn’t say no. Not only has “Space-Here-Now” been great to me but they let me do what I need to, to complete my projects. No oversight even when it doesn’t always work out. Then again I can always show what we learned from the mistake and provide at least a conceived value of that info.

I continue to hold the drink in my mouth savoring the flavor, as the unmistakable hint of cannabis oil mixed with coconut oil, emerges from the heavy coffee taste and presents itself to my tongue. I swallow, take another slow gulp and turn around to see Angie looking at me with a smirk.

“Didn’t sleep again, huh?” Says Angie. “Yeah well you know how it goes. Start looking at a problem and before I know it the nights over and the sun is rising.” I respond. How far did you get with the wiring last night? Asks Angie. “It’s done.” I tell her and continue ““I finished about an hour ago. We can attach the passenger cabin and be on schedule with our first weekly run to and from the "Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy (SDEG)" to the "Milky-Way (MW)", early next week! assuming the other 3 go like this one did. Should be able to shave a few hours off of the next setup. Once John is ready I want to get him started on the next “cock-pit”, and once he has a handle on it which given his propensity for electrical engineering should go relatively smoothly and maybe I can get a few hours of shut eye today.””

Bill shows up with a gleam in his eye (guy is always happy a little annoying, but harmless lol) “can I inspect the harness this morning?” He asks. “Yep all set for you, bud.” “Let’s get this done So you can test the second one tomorrow!” I tell him. Cool, can I have a Kopuk! He asks. Not unless you finish it in the break room! “No liquids near the electronics.!!!" We have enough to contend with, just with Murphy’s law, let alone one of us doing something stupid and spilling it on sensitive equipment.” I retort. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.” says Bill! “well you know I am not trying to be a hard ass, it just comes so natural to me!” I joke.

BTW we didn’t get our last shipment of Kopuk, Was supposed to arrive last night. Something happened to the cargo ship and it hasn’t been heard from in 24 hours, I found out. So, broadcast in your social media feeds a to see if anyone comes across them. The bridge is also on full alert, and in touch with the Galactic guard in both "Andromeda Galaxy (AG)" and SDEG, most of the places in between is commercial shipping and smugglers. So, they have no presence in these areas. So please reach out to any of your contacts that run in those shipping lanes. We need as many eyes on this as possible because we plan on expanding to that sector within the next 3 years and need to help keep it safe!

Right On! Mate!!! Says john. As he saunters in about ½ hour after the rest of the team showed up! “Nice of you to show your face today, John.” I tell him. Well I am ready now, what’s up today lets get cracking, he smiles!

No bleary eyed I don’t want to be here face from anyone this morning. A lot of enthusiasm and good energy its gonna be a good day!! And I just can’t wait to get to bed LOL.

But we have limited time to get these 4 initial shuttles ready for action early next week. Luckily its Sunday, so we have 6 days ahead of us that is 120 hrs if around the clock so we lose 24 hours compared to earth. But we should be able to do this in 60. All else has been tested retested and tested again without issue. Now hopefully it will be plug and play with the completion of each wiring harness.

Besides, quite frankly at this point its all electrical John's forte', interoperablity Bill's Forte', Angie a hell of an engineer herself is adept at troubleshooting issues if they arise with the connection of the passenger bay. And Susan and Michael who went to bed a couple hours ago excel at wire management, and circuits as well as circuit board design. Everyone top of their field no need to put more hands in the kitchen than we need! Just got to get those two out of bed before 5pm. Staggering the shift like this keeps somewhere here 20 hours a day and sometimes into the next day like today went for me. Oh well back to work! "Lets Fucking Go" John.!!! I yell.

{In the next episode – The maiden voyage and has anyone seen our Kopuk!}


The above is my response to a contest being held here :


Purple Kush nice. Engaging story.

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