Tell me your Craziest PSYCHEDELIC experience and WIN! PART 2!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I want to hear your trippiest and best psychedelic experiences and I will send the winner minimum 10 SBD.


PART 1 WINNER @richq11, but there is a second chance draw because I messed up the first one

To enter, all you need to do is vote your favourite from part 1 of the comp below, and then tell me your best psychedelic trip (If you haven't already). Also remember to upvote (resteem optional now)

  • The best from the following will be a winner as per rules from part 1 (Chosen By You Now)
  • And a second winner will be crowned for anyone else that wants to enter the Comp (My New Favourite, must follow the rules this time)

I will give a min 10 SBD to both winners

Please start your comment with the number of your favourite from the entries below.

Thanks to everyone that entered round 1, awesome stories from everyone so far!
@philip.willemse, @alchemage, @morpheus03, @doctorcrypto, @richq11, @iwonthelottery, @walterz

Also come find me on discord with WHALESHARES and Looking For Niche, I'm still searching for the STEEMIT Psychonaughts.

In no particular order;

  • The most upvoted (an up voted comment from minnow support... well played Sir, well played.)
    #1 - by @walterz
    DMT inhaled.
    You start by taking a hit then holding it for as long as possible.
    By the third hit you hear a humming sound full of vibration coming from within your head (this sound is always there). It is almost as if a choir of Tibeten monks were camped within your skull chanting “Ohm.” Then you feel your energy begin to coalesce in the heels of your feet and travel up you body gaining power and tingling up your body. Once it hits the crown of your skull your energy explodes out and upwards into outer space.
    Once there the journey begins. Usually it commences with a kaleidascope-esque view of fractal colors that surrounds you. Think as if the background to an Alex Grey painting were stretched around your point of view.
    After this you have seen various things, beings rarely, breathtaking always.
    The most overriding thing is a feeling of all-encompassing love. It is breathtaking, tears-of-joy enducing, mother-holding-you-as-a-child love. The feeling that everything will be alright and you are amazing and a part of everything. And it wants you to be happy.
    (Thanks Andreas, but you didn't up vote or resteem to enter?? I'll let it slide for now.)

My Favourites;

  • Funniest and mind blowing
    #2 - By @iwonthelottery
    First Transpersonal Experience:
    First time on LSD, went to my room alone while my other tripping friends stayed in the living room. There I saw myself as in the matrix movie, in a white room, and then I saw a magician's hat with the ears of a white bunny popping out of it.
    The moment I got out of the room one of my friends pointed at me and exclaimed, "Why does he look like a rabbit!"
    I didn't know about transpersonal experiences at the time, and was totally blown away.
    Parallel Realities:
    Ultra high dose of truffles. Got to the point where i Don't know which one am I; the one eating pizza, or the one trying to switch on/off the light and not knowing the difference, or the one lying in bed. I choose to believe I am the one lying in bed, and said to myself, If i go to sleep and wake up like that then I'm definitely gone crazy. Woke up in one realty the following day, yet with an insane headache that lasted for 24 hours! :D
    (Thanks Bassem, but no resteem to enter?? all good this time)

  • For my love of Cannabis 💚
    #3 - By @morpheus03
    My most psychedelic experience? Hm, Well..
    I smoke weed, and I suffer from social anxiety. I had a time when I didnt smoke, after that my friends called me out to smoke some buds.
    Well I thought today is that night, you know? I went outside with them and they rolled a big ass mixed joint with hash and weed in it.
    Well they smoked already and they knew it was strong, so they started to tell me to smoke it like a man, so I started to hit the shit like a player.
    Well the joint was gone and they went to their houses.
    After they were gone I thought that they were clowning me for not smoking like a man. I started to look around and I saw lights from cars, I didnt see who was drivin the car so paranoia took over me, I thought that someone is spying me and I started to run. After 2 minutes of running my hearth was beating craaazy man, and I really felt high, I started to think that I am going to die before I come home. Then I started to think that I smoke bullshit and the real marijuana effect is like this everytime you smoke.
    When I got inside my house I thought my heart will chill so I laid on my bed watching some NASA shit to calm myself, then I started wandering around my house like an idiot convincing myself that I wont die tonight, I looked at my fucking foot like 5 minutes, I was completely disoriented, I smoked really a lot of weed guys, peace!
    (Thanks Crypto Morpheus, no resteem either though?? this is how we spread the word guys)

  • Followed the rules!! and a madman from way back!
    #4 - @richq11
    It was 1967 and we had gotten some of the STP that was stolen, allegedly, from the Army at Treasure Island base in San Francisco. Whatever its origin it was the most powerful psychedelic I ever had. It was supposed to last 2 weeks but we kept dropping every few days, so...
    I was living in Santa Rosa and my buddy James DeFee were eating the hell out of the stuff when the entire city became engulfed in a purple haze... it didn't matter if it was day or night, or where you were, the haze was there too. We'd go out walking in the middle of the night in the beautiful purple fog that hung over the trees, houses, everything... it was so incredibly beautiful that it's impossible to describe accurately. It started about two or three days into the trip and lasted until we ran out.
    (Thanks for entering correctly, I have sent you 10 SBD, and you still have a chance to win a min 10 more here)

  • Most epic and best formatting (I can't quite do it justice for you here)
    #5 - By @alchemage
    Hmmm... the craziest psychedelic experience.... This is very difficult for me as I used to plunge head first into the deep end, lol.
    Flashing Through The Universe In Milliseconds
    One evening in Virginia, USA, a few acquaintances and I went out to a bar in the next town over for a buddy's birthday party. I wasn't drinking alcohol at the time, and so I became quite bored with everyone being drunk and just sitting at a bar.
    Cue spotlight stage right
    In walks my mescaline dealer.

    I ask my ride how long they planned on staying at the party, and I was told we'd be leaving in the next hour or two. My head began to fill with wondrous ideas as I began to plan out the rest of the evening.
    "You know what? Fuck it, I've never eaten a gram of mescaline and a half gram was fairly easy to navigate," I thought to myself mischievously as I approached my dealer to make the purchase.
    I was getting mescaline in its acetate salt form. Mescaline always took three hours, almost on the dot, for it to set in and would last 16+ hours. The following table is for the HCl salt form, but the dosages are similar with the acetate salt form being stronger due to a higher bio-availability:

    After a quick exchange of him telling me I was crazy, and to be smart and safe, I had purchased a gram's worth of mescaline, perhaps slightly more. I purchased four capsules which weighed on average 250-320mg the many times I weighed them in the past.
    I popped the capsules in my mouth, chewed them up to break through the gel caps, and swallowed my first mega dose of mescaline as I sat back down at the bar awaiting the time to leave. About an hour or so passed and we all left for home, a thirty minute ride down the freeway. My plan was to get home and get my car, pick up a friend down the road and have them drive us out to a house party so I could sell off the rest of the cannabis I was holding.
    I opened the front door to the house when we finally arrived and my ex was sitting at the table smoking out of a bong, so I sat down and began to chat with her.
    Our conversation became quite involved and I quickly lost track of time. I was in the middle of a bong rip when I remembered I was on a strict time frame and jumped up running out to my vehicle. I made it five minutes up the road as I was crossing a bridge when things got weird.
    The orange glow from the street lamps in the fog turned a deep purple and blue as the headlights following me began to fractal in my rear-view mirror.
    "Shit. What do I do now?" I was still fifteen minutes away from my friend's house, in a police infested area dressed in UFO pants, a black tank top, beaded "candy" bracelets, and silver chains - not to mention the half ounce of cannabis (a felony) in my cargo pocket.

    As the world around me began to flash through the rainbow of colors against the darkness, I decided the best idea would be to pull off at the first gas station - a Sunoco less than a mile away. I parked in the empty parking lot where the only car was that of the night clerk parked at one of the stalls to be in his sight under the demeaningly bright LED lights.
    I got out of my car and walked up to the service window. Everything was melting, warping, bending, and shifting. Every muscle in my body was vibrating intensely.
    "May I help you?" The night clerk asked hesitantly as I stared at him blankly.

    "I am sick and shouldn't be driving, I'm going to call some friends to pick me up if you don't mind."
    I'm not sure if he smiled or not as his face was changing colors and twisting in multiple directions, all I caught was, "Okay," and I turned to walk away. Stumbling mid turn as I noticed something from the corner of my eye, "Actually, could I get a chocolate bar?"
    I went back to my car, sat down and began calling people for help. The first person I called agreed I shouldn't be driving and hopped in their car with another friend to come pick me up. I called my other friend and let them know I wouldn't be making it. After finishing these calls I looked around to take in the experience.
    In the distance, I noticed that everything began to turn into what looked like seismic vibrations, everything lost solidity and turned into these strange vibratory lines making the whole world look like a topographic map. These vibrations approached me, slowly engulfing everything as it made its way forward. I watched as my legs began to turn into these vibrating lines, up my torso, spreading through my arms; I closed my eyes and saw 4 and 5 dimensional geometry that was pulsating indescribable colors.
    I opened my eyes just as a cop car slowed down and pulled into the turn lane to make their way into the gas station where I was sitting.

    Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as this police car crept its way towards my certain doom. I could hear these strange, demented voice in my head saying things along the lines of, "That's right boy, I've got you know. You're mine. This is going to be a good catch for the night."
    I was sweating and shaking with anxiety as I awaited to see what would happen, completely abandoning any hope of defense of myself by running or talking my way out, I could hardly think straight much less try and stand. Just as the cop car began to turn into the parking lot ,they stop; blinker on, nose partially on the property. The voice in my head became weary and began questioning itself.
    Suddenly, the officer reversed and continued driving past the gas station.
    I took a deep breath of relief and relaxed again, the universe was on my side. Moments later my friend pulled up and I hopped into his car and we left back for home.
    When I got home, everyone was watching movies and so I laid down on a couch and enjoyed the company. I do not remember what movies we were watching, nor what was discussed, I was caught in a whirlwind of colors and geometric shapes never before seen by the human race.
    Then - IT happened.
    I became an innumerable amount of focal points of consciousness in the amount of time it takes for a second to be. Boom. My mind was rocked. I hardly had a moment to think about what happened when Boom I launched off again, flipping through the "eyes" of anything with awareness.
    This experience is indescribable, absolutely impossible to adequately elaborate on using any determined lexicon.
    I came crashing back down into my body and instantly jumped up shouting, "What the fuck was that?! Holy fuck! Holy fuck!" and two of my buddies well versed in psychedelics quickly came to my aide and ushered me to the back room away from everyone so we could speak without interference of ourselves or others.
    I explained what I could to them and they told me that I had blasted off, I had an "ego loss" experience.
    I had smoked much DMT, and done endless amounts of LSD, Mushrooms, and an alphabet soup of research chemicals - the only other chemical to bring me to this state has been Salvia, and I never understood the experience I would have with Salvia until this night when my buddies helped me to understand the breakthrough experience.
    I do not own any of the images used. All images found by Google Image search
    (Thanks Skwyrl Master, Epic Bro, but didn't resteem either)

Good Luck Everyone!

Be sure to join us on the fastest growing steem-related Discord server! Over 1400 users!

Cheers 🍄


not sure if I know how to follow these instructions - I took about 2 oz of shrooms with my roommate - later found out the guy gave us 2 doses worth for both of us. We sat on a park bench at 101st & Central Park West, NYC for 10 hours playing with craypas (we were in the box carrying the giant craypas) and then we finally were able to crawl back to our our apartment across the street) and for the next 4 hours or so we lay there listening to the jungle sounds outside our window.

haha, cheers, dude.
If you want to just pick a favourite from the post, it would be great.
Sorry if it's confusing, I may or may not have been high when I wrote it.

#4 for me
My experience -

It was about 2001 - We were on a lads holiday in Amsterdam. It was about the third day of smoking and eating mushrooms we decided to go to a club. We got some MDA in there and had a cracking night. In the early hours of the morning we left. As we were staying in different hotels (about 12 of us) some of us congregated at one. The hotels were a street apart you could nearly see them from each other (important for a later).

We sat around eating mushroom chocolate bars (apparently it hit you quicker) and indeed it did. After a while my friend A appear to be floating about his bed, which I found immensely hilarious, my eyes closed in fits of laughter. When they reopen my friends had all turn fluffy around the edges kinda like teddybears but with human features hard to explain. I managed to explain this to my friend B who agreed it was time to hit the sac. NOW all we had to do was walk out them main door turn left and walk about 100 meters and turn right (i think) and we were at our hotel. IN OUR minds we did this, however it would appear not. This is my memory of the journey home that took two hours!!!

First I remember a policeman help me cross the road! Now if you’ve been to Amsterdam you will know the roads are tricky to cross now imagine that with some bikes floating and cars changing colour. So we crossed the road with the ai of a friendly copper and walked down an alley, this is were my brain remembered we did not need to and I said to friend “were lost aren’t we lets ask someone” OK simple I turned and went to ask someone. The first guy I saw appeared to have a monkey shitting on his head “i’ll ask that guy with the monkey shitting on his head”. This brought on a bout of hideous laughter in the street with the guy looking rather annoyed (well you would be if you had a monkey shitting on your head - I thought). Then I tried to explain to the man it was very funny and I knew I should not laugh at him with my friend desperately trying to apologise to him and drag me away from my efforts to explain what I was seeing.

He pulled me into the nearest shop. In hear we walked around for a bit pretending to look at the things on the self in order to try and regain some composure in order to head back out into the street. To this day I don’t have a clue what was in that shop! Eventually we composed ourselves and decided to leave the shop. To our horror we we lost an could not find our way out, walking around frantically Until we were assisted out by a nice women who may or may not have worked there. As it was now getting on we were hungry and decided to eat. Great we were in Amsterdam square and I recognised the supermarket. I stood right in the middle and shouted “I just want to stop being me” creating quite a scene as everyone was heading to work. Again my friend came to the rescue and dragged both of us into the supermarket. Where him felt inclined to point out the fact he had found an almost straight banana which set of another round in ridiculous laughter. Things then got a little out of hand comparing fruit and veg with each other turning into a bit of a food fight knocking over a number of neatly placed stands. Of course we were escorted of the premises but two very angry security guards and thrown out into the square with some harsh words. We eventually found our way back to the hotel only to find our two friends dressed as the village people (or so I thought) this was all too much. My friend fixed his gaze out of the window at the Ajax shop and I gazed at the painting of boats on the wall which incidentally were floating around the room.

When I awoke the hotel manager was not happy apparently we were being too noisy ooops!

That is awesome. Thanks for all the effort.
Great story

CONGRATULATIONS! Winner for part 2.
I know I would be annoyed too if I had a monkey shitting on my head. HAHA.

Great thanks. Been offline for a ages so only just got this. Move house and have been waiting for the internet to be installed! But I’m back now :)

Nice contest!
My vote is for #5

Here is my experience. I recently wrote it as a short story post on steemit:

Awesome, thanks for entering.
You might enjoy my next little challenge here.

thanks, not my own though

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by FillosopherStoned from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Heh oops, I resteemed this one! ;D

CONGRATULATIONS! Second chance draw Winner.
Thanks loved your story.

Awesome!!! Thank you very much. :D I enjoyed this contest a lot. I've had some bizarre experiences, lol.

hehe, cheers.
Not needed now though. I can understand if people don't want this kind of thing on their blog, but I still would like people to get involved.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, i like too much

Thanks @the-fillosopher. I just came across your post as it was re-steemed by someone. I'm an amateur mushroom hunter and look forward to reading your posts and learning more. Cheers!

Following you...

Cool, nice to meat you.

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