23rd Daily Steemit Upvote Lottery

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Win a guaranteed minimum of 2SBD by upvoting this post and leaving a comment. It's free, fun and easy! I'll even pay 4 SBD to upvote bots to make the prize more interesting. The winner is automatically selected after 24 hours. You can view all our past lotteries, winners and payments on our website. Myself and all bots are of course excluded from participation!

The rules are easy:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. If you're new, introduce yourself
  3. Complete today's assignment: Tell me what the most unusual place is you've ever been to?

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1/27/2018@starscream972.10 SBDView
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Most unusual place. I work in animal control. I had a call to go to the middle of nowhere, go down a dirt road. Turn right at the ups sign. Go through the gate with the cow skulls and pull up to the guard shack.


Turns out it was a hidden radar array for testing planes. Was weird as hell. Place was huge. Caught the dog and GTFO.

Lol X-files moment...

Strip clubs in USA are the most unusual place I have ever been to. Being born and brought up in India they felt pretty unusual to me.

As an American, I can appreciate that sentiment. They're a very different atmosphere than what you're probably used to.

Where in the States did you visit?

I have lived in IL and VA both. Visited few more but majorly stayed in only 2.

Most interesting place I've ever been is probably is Barrow Alaska...it's dark 60+ days a year. This was on a roadtrip when i was younger...quite eerie to say the least but interesting as well..

Oh man I'd love to go to Alaska one day. It's very high on my travel list. Preferably not in winter though...

Alaska is something you should do before you get older. Its harsh weather but the gorgeous views of nature is simply amazing

Or go there if you are a TOUGH old person :) Alaska weeds out the weak

The most unusual place I've ever been? Had to be Corfu, Greece. I started at a resort there for about 3 days towards the end of the tourist season (was in the Navy at the time) great people but the Greeks have some really unusual dinner customs. Like putting on polka music after dinner then breaking plates on your head... Then giving you alcohol to drink.

Lol sounds like great fun though :)

Oh, it was. The people there were really nice and the food was great..... Really, just a great place. The Ouzo was probably so we could all stand to listen to the 80's music they all seemed to still find fascinating..

hello I am Adrian I am new this this and the most unusual place where I have been is in Pico Espejo is the highest mountain in Venezuela and it is in Merida State

Welcome to the lottery Adrian! I just googled it and it looks pretty amazing :)

The most unusual place I have ever been is Pointe Noire, Congo. I came there for offshore project, I'm from Indonesia, so the food not good for me in pointe noire..😀

What was wrong with the food then?

I always eat rice in my country, but at elais hotel pointe noire, they have different and the taste not suitable in my tongue for a few day 😀

an unusual place I visit is the jungle. The forest is a place that can not be guessed because of the variety that existed there especially when you do not know the way we might not return to the family

Lol, what on earth were you doing there?

Hi guys, My name is G i'm new here. The most unusual place i have been to would be inside the great pyramid of giza. I had to crawl down the shaft to get to the burial tomb was amazing. No good if your claustrophobic though.

Welcome to the lottery G, thanks for joining :)

Hi again! The most unusual place I can remember going to was some cinema museum in France (don't remember the city.. maybe Lyon but I'm not sure and I don't want to lie XD), they had lots of original props and stuff, and a whole, huge (like 2.5 meters or so) Alien with some automated parts that moved and did noises.


The most unusual place I’ve been to was after working at the orangutan sanctuary’s in Borneo, we stayed with a family at their long house, right in the middle of the jungle. No electricity and a very different way of life - it was a real eye opener and a great experience, but I’ve never stayed anywhere quite like it before, and since :)

Wow that sounds amazing :)

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