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RE: The Deadpost Initiative - Week 38 - Share your most undervalued work ($15 STEEM rewards last week)

in #contest6 years ago

I really loved this.

I had this vision for myself a decade ago. I’m not sure what went wrong or how I veered off that path, but I certainly don’t regret doing so.

I’m with a new partner who also thinks like this and so those dreams have emerged again.

But the debt thing... 🤦🏽‍♂️ that’s what I’m trying to sort out. Unfortunately I don’t have technical skills like being able to fix a motor, or a builder, I’m pretty crap with my hands. But I like being in the land hands in soil.

This was a nice reminder that it’s still all possible, I just need to make that choice.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, it's not always easy but it's worth it in the end. I wish you the best!

Yes! You can do it ❤ You can search up anything online and get step-by-step instruction how to repaire/ install/ do like everything! It's SO cool your dream is coming alive again!!

A great post and very undervalued, particularly for the work you have put into the pictures and content.
I agree with your mentality of living debt free. I have now come to the conclusion, that being debt free is definately the way to go in life! You are then NOT beholden to anyone (especially the Government). We never know what is around the corner and the more financially independent we all are, the better.
Life is about experiences, NOT money and wealth...

Tell it!
The energy I put into worrying over my debt in the past took so much from my life.
I am debt free but not out the woods yet. Trying desperately to get moved to my land.
My heart aches for freedom.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my post.
Very much appreciated.

No problem.. It was a good post.

I really loved this.

I had this vision for myself a decade ago. I’m not sure what went wrong or how I veered off that path, but I certainly don’t regret doing so.

I’m with a new partner who also thinks like this and so those dreams have emerged again.

But the debt thing... 🤦🏽‍♂️ that’s what I’m trying to sort out. Unfortunately I don’t have technical skills like being able to fix a motor, or a builder, I’m pretty crap with my hands. But I like being in the land hands in soil.

This was a nice reminder that it’s still all possible, I just need to make that choice.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Living debt free is actually a choice and that is true. But sometimes one just can't help it. Things you never thought would happen would just occur suddenly and before you know it, you're already struggling with Debt. I got the message in your write up anyway and it was really interesting.

My husband was hospitalized a year and half ago we were insured and luckily nothing serious but caught us by surprise so yes the unexpected is always lurking out there to drag you down and hold you there. I choose to keep fighting.
In the end I may lose and die buried in debt. I can not see the future but I'm trying to prepare for it the best way I know how just like you and everyone else.
Doing our best is all we can do!
Thank you for your comment and I wish you all the best!

You're welcome. Just be hopeful regardless of the situation. God's going to see you through

I believe that!

Yes the unexpected is always lurking.

I could not agree with you more on all points! I have no desire to spend the rest of my life in debt, working for someone else in order to reach materialistic goals that society tells me are the proper ones. My boyfriend and I have similar goals on a smaller scale in the next five years. All we want is 2 or 3 ancrs with chickens, goats, and a large garden. We also want to be self sustainable and work for ourselves, me in my greenhouse and him and his brother in their woodshop. I think you and your family have made good choices for yourselves, and I wish you success in your endeavors! I look forward to reading your future posts and updates on your progress. :)

Thank you so much!
It hasn't been easy and the real work just beginning.
I want to live free.
I just recently got goats.
So my education in that department is just beginning and I'll make posts about it.
As for chickens, the last year we paid off our land we had some type of egg recipe for dinner 4 nights a week. They have fed us so many times! If you buy chicks don't get straight run, it's not worth it. Get some pullets and wait on the rooster till you find Mr Right
I appreciate your support so much. Love to interact with like minded folks.
All the best to you!

'living debt free is a choice' ...and a good choice to make :)

Aho! I completely understand this sentiment. I have always lived debt-free, and for the last 12 years I have been living on my own terms. There are definitely rough times, but the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing not only what you feel is best for you, but can also give to others because you are free from external debt-ties is so empowering. Keep up the great work!

Thank you!
One of my goals is to help others achieve food security and become more sustainable.
I have a little ways to go before I have much to offer in a physical sense. The struggle is real and I'm fighting forward.
Thank you for your comment very much appreciated!

It is a process. You will get there!!

Yes I will 😉

Hey @sugarcreek! Congratulations to you for setting yourself free of the rat race! Your little mini pony Toby is so sweet! A debt free lifestyle is so out of the norm. It's terrible if you ask me! There was one point 5 years ago i was so in debt about 5 yrs after the last financial crisis, i had to declare bankruptcy. It was par-a-digm shifting!!!! Gladly i am debt free. Except $700 credit card. It's tricky to manage without one. I like to travel and rent cars etc. But, wouldn't you know they are hounding me to up my limit 3 grand! 🙈 Like, NO THANKS! 👎 dirty buggers! Wishing you well! Peace & harmony among your family members who just don't understand freedom. Good health to your animals! And, plenty of vitality and abundance to accomplish all your homestead set-up & maintenance. Pleasure to meet you! I don't think we have crossed paths before. Have we?

Hello @yogajill great to meet you as well. It is good to communicate with people who understand my desire to live free. Thanks so much for wishing us well.
Toby is adorable as are all my other critters. They are a blessing.

It really does take courage to be able to do such thing. Always remember that you are living "your" life, and not the the other's lives. Always do of what you think is best for you and your loved ones.

Thank you. Very good advice.

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