in #contest3 years ago


A blissful Sunday morning from here!
This post is in response to weekly contest;creating stories week #14 by @adeljose. However,I must first commend this project including the initiator and the supporters, such as @adeljose, @xpilar and a host of others. I believe the essence of projects like this is to motivate and instill creativity in participants and the steemit community in general.Anyways,let's get right to the story,I know it's a little bit lengthy but I really hope you can take your time to read to the end. I hope you enjoy. Happy reading!


Dawn! Finally! I stayed up all night, peeping holes through the POP ceilings as I watched the fan blades roll in an endless circle. The A/C made sure the room was completely chilled,freezing actually,to the point that she had to cuddle me so tight to keep warm. But the whole situation made me crazy!
We spent most of the previous evening in a heated argument,I said so many wrong utterances and of course,she did the same too. Dawn was my saving grace and I just wanted her to leave, since the aura between us had already been tainted.

She wanted my help with a huge sum,I'd told her several times already, business was bad but she always responded with this firm disclosure, I needed this as much as she did. She never explained what that meant. I guess i dived into the deep ends this time;I had this way of life,more like a culture or orientation,my relationships had never made it past the ist month. We started dating just a week ago!!

I believe I was dumb enough to have even entertained such conversations with her. I had met a lot of girls but I considered her the prettiest. Slender with bountiful curves with a face sculptured in excellence,accommodating eyes shimmering with timidity,nose gorgeously erect,full plump lips with the wholesome face radiating innocence; Little wonder I thought this was going to be an easy one. I guess this conception was quickly eroded when she read me her favorite poem last night:
"I want to sleep with you. No I don't mean have sex.
I mean sleep. Together. under a blanket. In your bed
while you're laying in my arm. with my other hand
on your tummy. with the window cracked. so it's
chilly and we have to cuddle closer. No talking. just
the muffled cries that you slowly let seep away
from your blood gurgling mouth as I slit your throat
sacrificing your worthless life to the dark overlord".

conviniently, after we had settled our argument!

I had always known there was something different about her. Her preferences,choices and likes were rather weird. with a degree in psychology,as she told me,mind games and manipulations came rather easy to her. This engima attracted me the more to her, wrapping me flawlessly across her little fingers. She was smart,I would give her that but I had maturity and experience on my side,I knew the "game" so well and I always stayed at the advantage.

I knew it was time to end it. I believe I've had enough of her awkward lifestyle,no matter how much fun and
entertaining this one might have been,I needed to stay focused on my path. I knew what I wanted in relationships,it was all for the blissful companionship but sadly she wanted so much more which I definitely could not afford.

I got off the bed,slowly pushing her topless body aside as gently as I could. I didn't want to wake her up,I had to figure out a very soothing way to end this but at the same time,I knew I had to be explicit and outright in the process,just like ripping a blood sucking leech off,I had to just get it off. I left the room as quietly as I could and rode down the stairs to the kitchen. I thought about making her breakfast,I could serve her in bed while I delivered the "news". I thought that would be soothing enough!

I rarely cooked,it was just too stressful but I guess that's the sacrifice I had to pay to end this relationship in peace. I was all about entertainment,aside from the sitting room, I mounted a couple of televisions and sound systems around the house, including the kitchen. I had this inclination towards music, especially blues genre, in the morning, always made my day blissful. I reached out for my smartphone to connect to the speakers but realized I left it in the bedroom. I could risk waking her up by going upstairs so I had to settle for the news at dawn, which I barely watched but I thought that would serve as some sort of entertainment. I turned on the TV and reached for the refrigerator to grab some eggs.

"Cassandra David" the newscaster voiced over the Television,at this moment I paused with my head still stuck inside the refrigerator. Cassandra! I knew that name sounded quite familiar. I turned quickly to take a glance and there she was,in some sort of mugshot, wrapped around in a straitjacket! The newscaster went ahead to call the names of other outlaws. Apparently, they were escapees of a federal rehabilitative asylum for psychotic criminals!

Little wonder she looked a little bit awry the night I met her at the club. Although,she looked smoking hot in the black leather trousers and jacket she had on, I always had this feeling that there was something mysterious about her, she was always paranoid and scared of crowed places but I just thought she was shy, but a psychotic criminal?!
I could have sworn and vouched that she wasn't that type.

My heart raced a bit faster in the light of this new development,I knew I had to get rid of her quicker than I thought. But I had to keep things cool, I didn't want her to realize I knew this secret of hers. I quickly fried the eggs, served with a couple of sliced bread and made a cup of hot chocolate which I hurriedly took upstairs to her, in the bedroom. She was still on bed, enfolded in the colourful duvet cover,I placed the tray slowly by her side and stroked her black braids to the side, with my finger tips caressing the edge of her cheek.

Her eyes opened slightly, she gave off a warm welcoming smile as she saw my face,I relented in returning the favor. She sat upright,still enwrapped in the duvet, glanced upon her breakfast and gave me a dashing kiss. She placed the tray on her laps and leaned in to take a bite while I walked into the bathroom,now in possession of my smartphone. I needed to get more information about the case and give a distress call to the police if need be. I did not want to be involved or entangled in a federal case,the outcome never turned out well.

I was halfway into the bathroom when I kicked a can across the room, I picked it up. Antipsychotics!
She must have dropped the empty can on the floor, but she had always been meticulous and harmonized,it was even hard to believe she had mental issues in the first place but I needed to know if this was an intentional act because she had never used any of that here,at least not to my knowledge. If she used this, this morning,then she must have been awake earlier than I expected. What if she came downstairs or overheard the news broadcast? Now I was certain I needed help,I quickly dialed 911,the female voice over the phone requested for the emergency.

Bam! This was the sound off the impact as my head was smashed open by the wooden vanity stool,followed by clatters of its broken parts as they hit the ground. My body sprawled violently on the tiled floor as I felt warm fluid gushing seamlessly from my scalp. I could still hear the female voice over the phone requesting for my response but she quickly picked up the gadget and ended the call. I felt my eyes closing feebly as I tardily drew closer to unconsciousness. She stood over my body,now exposed from the duvet cover, topless with bumshots on, and said;
" I hope you enjoyed the news this morning, darling".

Thanks for reading till THE END
I needed to make sure I left the audience engulfed in suspense. I hope you liked my fictional story,let me know what you truly think in the comment section below!
Thanks for stopping by



Greetings friend @stephenpaul

Interesting story about Cassandra's personality, who behind her beauty hid an emotional and dangerous lack of control leading to attacking her bed partner.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #23

I'm glad you finally reviewed my work sir @adeljose. It's an honor to be part of this commendable Initiative/contest

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