in #contest3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone
welcome to my blog once more.

This post is made in response to the colour palette contest by @olesia and @dmitrik. First,I must commend this initiative,its great creating this platform for steemians, for everyone to showcase their creativities.Honestly,this is remarkable hence I applaud every supporter and curator,thank you!

Anyways,take a look at my response to the contest thus:


yes! its salt in a fine chinaware!


I know! Most people would think I chose the easy way out but don't misunderstand. When I first came across the theme of this week's colour palette contest,I was very interested in showcasing an art which could project the purity of the colour "white". And what else comes to mind than the everyday and common "salt"!

Now relax and let me entertain you with these amazing facts about salt you probably never knew of.

As we know, salt is the most common ingredient in the kitchen. it is typically common in every food choice out there. However, did you know that salt is as common in every cell in the human body as it is in every kitchen out there?
well, that's about right. salt is present in every cell in the human body as it is very essential to flush toxins out from the body. The adult human body contains about half a pound of salt!

Another interesting fact about this substance is that it gave rise to new cities! The production of salt gave rise to new cities such as Salzburg of Italy. In the ancient times,it was expensive and thus served as means of payment during trades.

As a matter of fact,it was believed that salt was very expensive that it was used as payment for ancient Roman soldiers!

Also, in most countries,there is a superitious belief, spilling salt is considered as bad luck. In a country like Italy,this belief was made famous after Leonardo di Vinci's painting of the Last supper, where he portrayed Judas iscariot knocking down a container of salt!

So next time you handle salt, recognize its essence as a substance of ageless value and unique properties.

Thanks for stopping by

Interesting Footnote: Did you know that the word "salary" is derived from the Latin word "sal" which also means "salt"?


This is a copy of the post. It is desirable to edit it

Done. Thanks for the suggestion.

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