STACH Short Story Contest #3: 199 Words-10SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago

Hello everyone.

@ejemai here for STACH with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #3.

What is a short story?

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel.
In other word, it is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel.

Contest Rules:

  • Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.

  • Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).

  • The Story must contain no more than 199 words.

  • One entry per user.

  • Submit your entry in the comment section.

Winner selection.

The Winner will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery. Post with the most interaction wins a special prize.




For this contest, THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD prize.
First Prize: ----------------------5SBd,
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.
Good luck guys!

So sharpen your writing skills and throw in some short inspiring stories.

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STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.


Halloween's coming up... 198 words.

“Come quick!” his voice was sharp and panicked. His eyes wide, darting around to look everywhere at once. I saw fear in his body language.

“What? What’s happened? How can I help? Calm down, we need to know what’s going on before we can do something to help you.”

“In the wood! Just over the fence! There’s a…” he turned to point the way he’d come.

My friend came alongside. “You ok dude?” he said, catching the story immediately.

“No, I need help! Someone’s hurt, maybe dead!”

“Yeah? OK, I’ll grab my torch,” my friend said and he followed. I grabbed some stuff from my car I thought would come in handy and followed them both.

“What were you doing out here, dude?” I heard from ahead of me.

“It’s Halloween! I took on a stupid dare! I don’t know… stupid, stupid…”

“Dude, don’t worry. I’m sure we can sort it all out. Where was the girl?”

‘Ah, there you go, just like a n00b!’ I thought. The guy stopped and turned to ask how he knew it was a girl…

CLANG! The shovel hit the guy right in the face. Good job I was bringing it anyway…

Turtle Phobia

After picking up my pet turtle, placing him into a styrofoam cooler we placed him in the trunk of Zonia's car. Turtles creep Zonia out. She did not like the idea of him being inside the car, so trunk it was. Passing a garage sale on the way home decided to stop. I told her I did not wish to be long due to the turtle in the trunk. Packing up our purchases, I decided to check the turtle. Opening the box, I just stood there staring, dumbfounded.

"What the hell? he is gone."

"What you mean gone?" Zonia asks scared peeking into the trunk.

"I don't know, he's not here," I tell her searching the trunk.

"You know that thing gives me the creeps, now it's escaped," slamming the trunk. "I'm not taking any chances he's in there somewhere and he can stay there till we get home," Zonia slips into the driver's seat fumbling with the keys.

As the key touches the ignition, we hear scratching from the back seat. We both turn slowly and when Zonia met his red beady eyes of him sitting on the back seat I swear the scream shook the car.

something a bit different......also upvoted and resteemed your post.

The Awakening

Maxwell woke up and opened his eyes and the surroundings were dark. It was as dark as coal and smelt of a mixture of paint and new clothes.

That is something he had experienced before; being aware that he is dreaming. With time, he had mastered the art of controlling his activities in the dream. Today, he just realized he had developed the new power of being able to smell things.

While dreaming, he thought of last night's party. It was wild and fun. He remembered getting drunk. Then entering his car and driving off. Thud! Someone knocked on his door. He flinched and made to turn around but found out he could not. Almost at the same time, he notices he is choking. Breathing is becoming harder.

He was fully awake and with growing horror realized he is in a sort of enclosed space. He shouted, "Please help me!" Thud! The strange knock sounded again. Now he is paralyzed with fear as he realized those were not knocks but sand landing on top of the coffin where he was. His shouts for help were drowned out as the three tired gravediggers continued shoveling sand into the grave.

Haunted with the Past

Trisha and Fretzie are childhood best friends but Fretzie’s parents never wanted her to be friend with Trisha because his father is an ex-convict with criminal crimes.

One Tuesday afternoon, while they were hanging out, a suspicious man was following them. Because they were scared, they ran immediately but the man followed them and had them caught in the end. When they got caught, the man asked them who's Trisha and because Trisha sensed that the man may be in conflict with his father, she immediately pointed out Fretzie, who in full schock, didn’t speak a word. The man immediately released Trisha and had Fretzie molested and killed. Trisha saw what the man did and so immediately she ran towards home and told his father what happened and right away they went to a place far from their home.

Thirteen years had passed, Trisha already got married and has a daughter named Haley. Haley is very timid and doesn’t love to hang out but on the exact 13th death anniversary of Fretzie, Trisha got a message from Haley saying she’ll hangout with her new friend. When Trisha asked Haley who her friend is, Haley sent Fretzie’s photo, smirking.

Great horror story! Not the usual plot of a horror story. Nice. Nice. :)

Awee :D Thank you! ^_^ Haha :D

You're welcome dear! :* Keep it up!

I will. ^_^ Thanks again. :)

The Girl on the Road

Josef had decided to go out with his girlfriend Karen to visit his grandmother, Marta. She lived on the outskirts of the city, in a secluded village called Esmeralda. Because the town was a 4-hour drive from the city, Josef wanted to leave early, but because of his work he left late, around midnight. The road to climb the mountain was full of dangerous curves and was a dark and lonely road.

Josef and Karen were on their way to town, when in the distance they saw a young woman with black hair and dressed in what looked like a wedding dress. The woman made signs with her hand. Karen asked Josef to stop the car and help the strange woman, it was around 3am and alone on a desert road could not leave her there abandoned. The woman got into the car, and the instant she did, Josef and Karen felt shivers. The woman did not speak, but shortly after starting the car and resuming the road when I looked in the rearview mirror the woman had vanished ... Josef accelerated his car like crazy to the town.

Hello, thank you for your submission. Could you please copy and paste the Story here instead? Thanks.

Lizzie was very sorry, but they decided to put the old cat to sleep. She was tired of taking care of him. She was returning home from a veterinary clinic where the cat died, when she heard plaintive meowing at the entrance. They looked back, but the cats were not there.

For some reason, she was afraid to go into the entrance of the house. She decided to walk along the street. But now plaintive meowing came from the hatches on the road.

Lizzie returned to her car and decided to go out of town. It was necessary to unwind. She drove out onto the country road and slowed down a bit, when she saw the van at a huge speed crossing the opposite lane. And at that moment a big black cat jumped from somewhere on her windshield.

The girl cried out in surprise, her hands trembled and involuntarily they twisted the steering wheel, and the car leaned forward, under the wheels of the approaching van. The last thing she heard when the wagon broke her car was a jubilant meowing sounding as if in her head.

Wow, great story, this contest just got real!

Jack held his favorite toy car in his hands as he imagined himself driving from his room through the hallway all the way to the top of the stairs. "Look Agatha, I'm a NASCAR driver" he said gleefully. She smiled at him and said "My little NASCAR driver better put those toys down and get to school". Realizing that he was going to be late, he hurried along to his room, forgetting his toy car at the top of the stairs.

Moments later, he heard a series of loud thuds which ended with a sickening cracking sound.

He rushed out, only to see his father's disfigured and broken body at the bottom of the stairs, his neck twisted and broken bones sticking out of him.

"Daddy!" he screamed as he ran to him, "What happened?" he asked, his voice shaky and terrified. His father barely able to move pointed at the toy car beside him. "Oh God, I must have left it on the stairs when I was playing with Agatha" Jack said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

His father gave him a puzzled look and said "What are you talking about, your big sister died last year".


He panted. He had been running miles now. A black shadow crossed his line of vison. Startled, he staggered backwards. It had all been a mistake.

Two weeks ago his girlfriend had suggested the trip to the cabin in the woods. He had not been interested but he knew Tiffany would not take no for an answer. She loved to have her way.

He should have known something was up when strange things started happening. Lights going off, doors opening themselves. Eerie sounds at night. He had taken his mind off it and made himself believe it was nothing serious.

Now he had her face glued to his mind forever. The lively and outgoing Tif lying on the ground lifeless blood oozing out of her nostrils, mouth and ear. It had left him with the creeps.

A cold chill surged through his body, giving him goosebumps. A twig snapped next to him, snapping him back to reality. He was surrounded by pitch black mist and a red blood moon above him. He heard a ghoul sound behind him and he turned. There was nothing.

That was the problem. He couldn't see what he was running from. He could only feel it. Another flurry of shadows went past him. He felt like it was nearer and it was.

He slumped to the ground as it snuffed the life out of him. His life flashed before his eyes and just as he breathed his last, the grim reapers came in to claim his demented soul as the hazy fog around him cleared

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