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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway: (Small Confessions...)

in #contest5 years ago

Lol, I keep thinking about your 'guilty pleasures' question whenever I do this. I couldn't come up with anything at the time, but it has been playing in my mind all summer :0)

I'm really sensitive when it comes to animals. Can't watch a movie of photo in which they get hurt. Still, during the gardening season, I can really enjoy going slug-hunting. Armed with a pair of scissors, I search the entire garden and kill them one by one. Worst thing is that it feels like victory every time I kill one. So bad, poor slugs... but slugs aren't really animals, are they ;0)

Ssst.. don't tell my friends... it would ruin my image.


Oh dear... I can't remember what I admitted to in that one...

You cut live slugs?!?!?!?!?!?

I dump salt on them....

The winners and the next question (Emotion or Rational?) can be found here:

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