The SteemFest 3: A bad news for us and a good news for you (CONTEST ^_^)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

I'm talking about this content since yesterday, but it was not so simple. I searched the right words in my mind, but I think there are nothing more to say than the simple true: we wont be at the Steemfest 3 in Krakow. 

I'm really sorry (and also really sad), but I want to explain why we can't be there. 


As I wrote in one of my previous post, we have to pay some fees for hour home. Nothing strange, sure, but the problems is that the fees are so much more than we thought. It's a very large amount, a bit more than the cost for us (me, my hubby @paolobeneforti and my daughter @noemilunastorta ) to go to the Steemfest.  

As you know, me and my hubby are artists (it's not our only job, but it's our main job ^_^), our balance is different month by month like every freelancer and so we had to deal with our family balance to understand if we can go or not and the result was : we can't.  

Yesterday we had a “family summit” about it and it was not an happy summit, but we have to do what it's necessary to do, you can understand. We cancelled the reservation/booking.  Sad, because after the SF2 we perfectly know how beautiful is to be at the Steemfest and we was waiting to meet our steemit-friends there. Sad, but necessary.  

I don't want to talk more about our sadness, because I think you can image it. Noemi was so happy to be there for the first time after what we said to her coming back from the SF2, but she understood the situation (she's a good girl and I love her so much) and so it's ok.  

Yesterday, during our “family summit”, we thought that something bad for us could be something good for someone else. I have to explain. 


 We wrote some posts for the #roadtosteemfast , the great and generous initiative by @anomadsoul and this gave us an opportunity to collect more payout than usual. Now we can't use that amount for  our trip to Krakow and so we decided to give 100 STEEM  to someone else, to give a small help to someone to go there.  

For this reason, we decided to make a 100 steem giveway for people who will be at the steemfest.  

How to Participate.   

- At first, You have to be sure to go to the steemfest. IMPORTANT: if you don't need to have a bit more money to go there, you can nominate another person in needed.  

- Write a comment on this post to explain why we should choose you to give a little help   

 You can partecipate until 7 days from now (the end of the contest will be October 24) and the entire Beneforti's family (me, @paolobeneforti and @noemilunastorta ) will choose the winners.    We'll announce the winners the day after the end.  

To make more people happy, we decided to divided the total amount in 3 “prizes”:   

1) 50 STEEM  

2) 30 STEEM 

3) 20 STEEM

So, I invite you to write your best comment on this post to have the opportunity to win one of the 3 prizes! Sure, they are little amounts, but I'm pretty sure they can help you to be more quiet with your balance for the steemfest!!

Just a little note to our steemit-friends: we are so sorry because we couldn't meet you there, but we'll do our best to partecipate at some meet up around in the next months (when the family balance will come back ok ^_^).

See ya soon and think positive, forever and ever!


silvia beneforti


Sad to hear you can't go because of the expenses. I guess nobody would have blamed you for using the STEEM for yourself - really noble to give them away to others.

Two names come to my mind when thinking about nominations. On the first hand I am thinking about @lichtcatchtoby, a student from Vienna, Austria. He has a big talent for everything associated with a camera and therefore will most likely produce some awesome content about Steemfest3 (especially since he is travelling with some media-pros from @limesoda). Camera equipment and all that stuff is freaking expensive, so a little support for his travel expenses would probably help him out :)
As a little showcase: In summer he made a tour through Austria, Germany and Switzerland where he met and interviewed many german speaking steemians - check his posts under the hashtag #wearesteemit for some examples of his skills!

My second nomination is also a student, the German user @jeanpi1908. He has been active as an @ocd -curator for a long time and therefore has helped many smaller users. Without knowing him personally, I guess as a student his wallet is not filled too well - therefore a little support would be appreciated there as well I assume. Unfortunately he didn't win a ticket to Steemfest, even though he tried his luck in a few contests.

Greets, Martin

P.S.: Of course both nominees are attending, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested them ;)

Thanks so much for the nominations, @theaustrianguy ! Student's wallets are always not filled too well, but the SF3 could be a great opportunity for them! Excellent candidates, thanks again ^_^

Hey @silviabeneforti and family I am very sad to hear of this news as I was looking forward to bumping into you guys this year again in Krakow but unfortunately real life problems can often stop us having great moments. I wanted to meet again as you guys were the first Steemians I met and spoke with at SF2 and it would of been great to see how much your English as improved since we last spoke lol.
Its a shame the community could not come together and help you guys out as this was the only way I managed to get to SF2 was with the efforts of others and their support.
The 50-STEEM would really help me out I already have a SF3 ticket and booked a room BUT... my last problem is the money for the plain your support would pay for half of my ticket and when I get paid at the end of the month I should have enough for the other half of the ticket.
The plane itself as many seats available still and so it shouldn't be a problem but that 50-Steem would really help me out on getting there this year.
Thanks for considering me @silviabeneforti @paolobeneforti and @noemilunastorta

Thanks for your entry, dear @simonjay !!! ^_^

It is really sad you can't make it to the steemfest, but it is very nice that you give back the earnings to the community even if you probably need it yourself. I will try to win a part then.

Who I am:

Hello, my name is Jean-Pierre and I am 20 years old. I am from Karlsruhe, Germany and I am studying electrical engineering right now. I am on steem nearly 1,5 Year now and I am very active in the German community.
I already did a lot of things on steem and the most important of them all is my duty as @ocd -curator. If you want to have a bigger list of it have a look at my entry to this other contest.


Why I can need the money:

As a student I don't really have a lot of money (only the ticket is worth the depence of an entire month for me) and I wasn't lucky on the different contest either what means that I had to use a lot of my earned steem to buy the ticket. But notice that I don't need it to go to the steemfest since I already payed everything.

Hi Jean-Pierre, nice to meet you! My daughter is just a little bit older than you (ok, she's 10 years older than you :P ) and so I know a student doesn't have so much money . I know you're very active on steemit and in the ocd, well done!

I won't be going to Steemfest 3 but I like to thank you for doing something so generous. May your family be rewarded in some other ways.

Posted using Partiko Android

This community, in time, gave us so much (and I'm talking not just about the payout ;) ) that what we can do today is really a little thing. ^_^

And that is what I liked about Steemit the most, the supportive community.

Posted using Partiko Android

How awful to get an unexpected expense like that and have to cancel a looked forward to trip to SteemFest 3. I would have liked to meet you there and will be going myself.
I can't help with you financial situation now but I can let you know of a way that you may be able to get an unexpected bonus in the future.
Signing up to the Class Action against Facebook & Google's Crypto Ad Ban won't cost you anything but if the class action is successful, you'll get a payout based on your crypto holdings in Jan 2018 when Crypto was 4-5x what it is now.

Thanks, @apshamilton ! Sometimes it happens and it's sad, but doesn't better. We had to choose between to go there and to pay the fees. Sure, all of us preferred to go to SF, but we have to chose to pay our feed, so here we are. We decided to help other steemians with a small amout, so it will be if we will be there even if just with a "thought" ^_^
Thanks for the info about that class action, I'll check it.

Sucks that you cant make it. @bingbabe wanted to practice her Italian too, she will be sad. We will have to meet another time, take care.

It could be a great opportunity to practice my English too. I couln't see to be there, but life is life and fees are fees. I'm sure will meet us another time! ^_^

Ohh what terrible news :/ I'm really sorry to hear you won't be coming, I was really looking forward to meeting you all :(

Yes, it was really terrible and we are so sorry, but fortunately it will be also a steemfest4 and some meet up around, so we'll have other opportunities to meet us. ^_^

Yes i am so sorry too =(

<3 I guess there's always next year!! <3

There's always next year, dear friend! I wish I could help, but right now I'm having to power down again- some for rent and some for Weku. I hope if I buy weku when it hits the market next month or Dec. I'll have enough to be able to help people with votes. Many hugs from Me Bruno and Monna (who yelled at me yesterday).

Dear friend, you're always in our hearts, you know it! As you wrote, there's always the next year and maybe the steem will have more value and we all will be more rich than now ;)

Thank you dear Silvia... Big hugs from me and the critters!

Oh no! I was looking forward to seeing you both again, so sorry to hear.

Myself and @rhondak from @thewritersblock will be attending and giving a presentation. We both have steemfest tickets and have now bought flights, myself from England, Rhonda from Virginia, US. We will be sharing accommodation as it works out cheaper for both of us, but any little help towards this would go a long way. Steemit is my only spare income as I have Multiple sclerosis and cannot work.

Whoever wins, great generosity shown to the community.

Thanks for your entry, @gmuxx ! We will publish the winners in a couple of hours ;)

Good luck everyone

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