Logo contest 10 SBD price / Logo Wettbewerb 10 SBD Preis / Finished!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

English - German

Tomorrow evening will be the 29th round of the weekly Steem Blitz Chess Tournament. This ends the second season with an average of 20 participants, it is now an integral part of everyday life on Steemit. With the beginning of the 3rd season, I want to have a new logo that can then be used by all to promote the tournament further.

The new logo should have the following characteristics:

  • 1600x950 pixels
  • 2 versions for normal chess and for chess960
  • Thumbnail suitability
  • free usage


  • I will choose the logo from the suggestions
  • The creator of the winner logo receives 10 SBD
  • deadline is in 7 days

Morgen Abend wird die 29. Runde des wöchentlichen Steem Blitz Schach Turniers ausgetragen. Damit endet die 2. Saison mit durchschnittlich 20 Teilnehmern, ein inzwischen fester Bestandteil des Alltags auf Steemit. Mit dem Beginn der 3. Saison wünsche ich mir ein neues Logo das dann von allen benutzt werden kann um das Turnier weiter zu promoten.

Das neue Logo soll folgende Merkmale aufweisen:

  • 1600x950 pixel
  • 2 Versionen für normales Schach und für Schach960
  • Thumbnail Tauglichkeit
  • freie Verwendbarkeit


  • Ich werde das Logo aus den Vorschlägen aussuchen
  • Der Ersteller des Gewinnerlogos erhält 10 SBD
  • Abgabe bis in 7 Tagen möglich


The winner logo is entry 7 / Das Gewinner Logo ist Nr: 7

7-Chess Logo.png

7b-Chess960 Logo.png

All participants will get some extra surprise!


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Hallo! Dies wäre mein Logo-Vorschlag. Ich habe mich für ein modern aussehendes Flat-Design entschieden. Die Schachfiguren sind komplett selbst gepfadet, also gibt es keinerlei Probleme mit dem Urheberrecht. Dasselbe betrifft den Font, den ich von Google Fonts habe und somit frei zur Nutzung ist.

Für Änderungsvorschläge stehe ich entweder hier in den Kommentaren oder auf dem DACH-Discord bereit!

LG Jave


here my entry.

the "960" number a little more bigger, is it possible?
Format is 960x570 ? It has to be 1600x950.

yes... we can change everything. Format and size of "960"...

960 - 2.jpg

is it better?

yes, thanks! In the thumbnail view it was not visible.

Can you upload the normal version in 1600x950 too?
Maybe the black border a little bit smaller, so that the text is more visible in the thumbnail view?

yes, this afternoon they arrive :)

I tried to enlarge the text and to narrow the edge... maybe now it's okay

Very nice now, but they are 960x570 now! can you upload the bigger versions too?
(you may just edit the comment with the new (versions)

I can not understand what's going on... I'm loading them with the right size but then it gets smaller...

ok, DONE!

Your logo is so beautiful that I have an idea how to use it in the future:
I will make a second tournament for the east time zones and at the end of each season we can then make a tournament for all together to figure out the master of the masters, therefor it suits perfect.

These are my logos! I hope you like them!


scacchi 960.jpg


Thanks very much!! I'm very happy!

The 960 is in 736x437 pixel, can you upload the big version too? (Just edit the comment.)

Done! I don't know why was 736x437, now is ok.

The new version is in an other quality now.

Changed, I used the first photo and added 960.

Here are my logos, i hope you like it 😁

The 960-version is in 1200x750 pixel, can you upload the big version too?

ready friend had made a mistake and put the correct measurements these designs are for large advertising to use them in profile thumbnails the ideal is to use 500x500px friend

The "960" version is still wrong. The thumbnail size is important for the view in the feed.

Here's my submission. If you'd like anything adjusted let me know.



And a little logo perhaps if wanted to just post a quick PNG:

Here is my logo, I hope it will be useful for the future tournament.





format is 1578x735 ?

Yes, but i can fix it

Format is 1280x720, can you upload versions in 1600x950?

Here is the edit with the 1600x950

Now they are in 1280x920.

I think we can not use the steemit logo here. The steem logo is fine to use.

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