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RE: The Deadpost Initiative - Week 29 - Finding payout and readers for expired posts (All fluid rewards go to participants)

in #contest6 years ago

The Banana Collective.png
@bananamemos that was some absurd humorous writing, I had some fun
and thought I would do my part for the cause...

note on the artwork, it's by Shih Yung Lin that I modified,
check him out he does some strange things with banana people!


OHMIGOSH! We had no idea there was a banana-people artist out there! The more time we spend on Steemit, the more awesome banana-related things are brought to our attention.

I, in particular, appreciate you taking up the Call of bananas everywhere ~ "We will unite, and we will win!" Consider yourself part of the Bunch, @satorid!

I am honored =D

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