Post funny image and Win 5 SDB Steem

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Post funny image and Win 5 SDB Steem 

Utterly pointless contest time!

Resteem this post, and reply with an image. Only an image. No text in the post, other than the image source. 

You could win 5 SDB!

What kind of image?

 only Funny images ! dont post  sexist images. 


How will you win?

only Funny images! Can't do most upvotes, people will cheat.
Can't do least upvotes, people will just not post til the last second. 

So, post a random funny image, and you could win!

Could be a funny image.
Could be a weird one. But, since I don't want to encourage copyright violation, it has to be fully legal for you to use, as in public domain, CC0, etc. 

Source your image!

The ONLY text I want to see in your post is the source, and copyright notice, if required. If I see any other text in the post, you will be disqualified. If you don't have the source in your comment, you will be disqualified! If your image isn't legal for you to use, you will be disqualified! Got it? Good! Image judged after post payout. 

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