Goldilock - NOT HOT storage. NOT COLD storage. Just THE RIGHT storage

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Revolutionizing the way data is stored on the Internet.


Nowadays, most human beings make use of the internet, for anything, from the largest to the smallest. Due to the need for organization, storage and even convenience, we provide data to the network, some of them are very personal information. Not only a common individual from your home but large corporations make use of several servers that store all this data. In this way the information of millions of people is swimming in the network, it does not sound good or safe, but it is reality.


Being in 2018 it is very normal for all of us to surf the web and even more that we have many social networks, with a large number of servers, that our cryptocurrencies are stored in a digital wallet that we have no idea of ​​how it works. , and that our keys and personal information is within the reach of a click. Even just have to see it in a practical way, how many times do we use our devices to enter our bank account or our digital cryptocurrency wallet? I can assure you that more than once, that means that we are entering our data again and again in the intern, updating the fact that they are already there, within reach of anyone although at first sight it seems that you are protected with layers of security , the internet is like oceans, we only know a small percentage.

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Insecurity, serious current problem.

Digital insecurity is a topic that may not be of interest to all, but should, because anyone is exposed to it. Many will answer that no, they have servers that safeguard their information, their keys, among other very critical and personal things. But do you know what is your way of storing the data? They have encrypted codes, is there cold or hot storage? How possible is it for a hacker to attack the data? All are valid questions for a person who is placing their data on the internet.

If our data is on the internet we are never 100% protected, because they are in an open area, it is a network with universal access, and although you do not believe it, and you say that your information has several layers of security, at the end of the day they are navigating within reach of anyone, your data should be that YOURS, not everyone should have access to them.
You have to be aware of the thousands of hacker attacks that there are currently, not only to large corporations but also to ordinary citizens, it is an evil that affects anyone.
We are all vulnerable to cyber attacks, if your name is on the internet and anyone can access that. For our part, our financial statements are the target of many thieves and fraudsters, nobody wants their information to be public, it is delicate and very personal.
At present they have tried to answer many questions about the security problems in the network, but nobody has come to solve them, until now ..

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Goldilock appears.

What is Goldilock?

Goldilock is a new type of storage that arrives to revolutionize the fact of supplying data to the network. It is no secret to anyone that there are severe cyber attacks to common individuals as well as to companies. At present everything is within reach of a click, that is why you need that "click" to be the right hands. Goldilockis a service for the platforms because it offers a correct type of storage, not cold or hot, it is an ideal storage, since the data of the users WILL NOT BE ON LINE, they will only be public and they will be in the network at the moment that the user you need them, on the other hand it offers the power of the owner of the stored data to dictate a specific period of time for a certain company or platform to make use of them.


By not having the data available on the Internet 24/7 it is impossible that these are acquired by a hacker, that is why Goldilock is invulnerable and an excellent alternative for both individuals and corporations.

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"Air Gap", the backbone of Goldilock

Air gap refers to a very important technological safety measure that avoids exposing the integrity of a computer system based on the logical and physical separation of any other network. That is, a device maintains, its security, if it is impossible to access it, either physically or through some type of digital communication.

Technology that provides a physical vacuum between reliable and unreliable networks, creating an isolated way to move information between an external server and the internal network. A firewall of the type "air gap" joins two computers, one internal and one external. All the requests are directed to a fictitious location on the external machine that dismounts the protocol headers, extracts only the content of the SSL traffic and passes it to the firewall, which transports the encrypted data to the internal computer, which decrypts the SSL traffic, authenticates the user and filter the content, after passing the request to the production server of the company, resident in the internal network.


Air Gap is the central axis of Goldilock, because this platform is responsible for protecting the data of its users in the best way possible and this leads to the use of the aforementioned, it is worth noting that it is controlled by the user and activated remotely for the safekeeping of cryptocurrency keys and the storage of confidential digital assets. It is still in the process of being patented.

The Air Gap is adopted by companies that store very important data, work with financial assets or cryptocurrencies, that is why Goldilockcounts on it as the backbone

What is the security benefit of keeping the data offline using "airgap" technology?

The term Air Gap comes from a military term, during war the troops of different functions were communicated by a person in charge of carrying the information discs among other things, the physical space that walked that person was called Air Gap. Currently the same term is used in the technological context, to refer to a large physical security barrier that protects the information provider, the user or corporation in this case. Goldilock has a main axis or spine, which is its air gap.

By having the information protected off line keeps it completely safe, Air Gap technology allows this, besides that within Goldilock is handled by the user, this can activate and control it. The end of this is that all the data is out of the network, until the user wishes, it is worth noting that it can decide the periods of time that if information can be seen by a certain person or company, this makes it impossible to hack this information, which makes it very useful and adoptable for important companies that handle financial and cryptocurrency data.

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Cold storage? ...
Or hot?

Currently the best type of storage for your data is sought, even more if you work with cryptocurrencies or handle important financial data. You have to take into account many factors when it comes to storage, some people take it lightly and only trust when they can be endangering their personal information, which is why it is important to highlight the two types of storage that are handled in the present.

Cold storage: This refers to storage in hardware, it is a bit complicated to apply, since you must know the subject well to do it in short it is a type of inactive storage, stored in the security of some device. In some way it is used for data with few modification movements, since the access response is slow.
On the other hand, this storage tipi can present several very marked weaknesses such as, for example, a USB memory can be lost or damaged, it can be pirated, it can be duplicated, the hardware where the information is stored is not indestructible, so this makes it a rather weak type of storage.

Hot storage: This type of storage is called "active" since it is in more movement which makes it more dynamic and accessible anywhere, but this leads to the fact that it is connected to the internet and experience says that everything is connected The internet is vulnerable. Our data and personal records could be violated in a click, that is why this type of storage is highlighted with that weakness, even if it is one that is widely used in the current era.

What are the benefits of combining the best of cold and hot storage?

All storage systems have pros and cons, for their aprte users look for that which is most suitable to meet their needs according to the type of information they want to save, that is why they adapt to the benefits and accept the weaknesses of the type of storage that they decided to adopt. In the world of technology often appear two types of storage, which are "cold" and "hot" (defined above), each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, which, depending on the type chosen by the user or company should mold itself to them.
No one wants to suffer the disadvantages of the type of storage they chose, but what if we say we can make the perfect mix? a combination of the best of both worlds, cold storage and hot storage, taking advantage of both to make the "right storage".
Goldilocktook benefits or aspects that integrate both types of storage, cold and hot and created a type of storage that responds to all the weaknesses that may have. The users will have three fundamental aspects to give solution to the cons that may have the types of storage mentioned above and thus meet all the expectations of the consumer.


Source, Whitepaper page 5

With these three fundamental premises Goldilock becomes the perfect type of storage by combining bentages of both cold and hot storage, giving the user total security when saving their data, as it is the fact that they are shielded by a platform that is not connected to the network and therefore is not available to anyone only the owner, who can access them quickly.

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Improving virtual security.

Thousands of attacks are recorded daily, there is too much history of virtual thefts, since it can maliciously access a person's information, this is a cold or hot storage, since both are quite insecure. In the area of cryptocurrencies, the fact of insecurity in people, investors or companies to use a certain platform is very noticeable since it may not meet the necessary benefits or simply it is not known what is the storage mode of data behind everything. , that is why Goldilock revolutionizes the online commercial industry, since it mixes the best of two worlds, the benefits that cold and hot storage can offer, providing answers and solutions to weaknesses.

How can improved cryptocurrency security and access impact mass adoption?

Goldilockcan have a huge impact on mass adoption in the field of cryptocurrencies, since having a security layer as strong as it is in the cryptocurrency platform that has adopted it makes the investment much more attractive since the user I would feel more secure grant data, invest and save your income in a digital wallet, knowing that your information is impossible to be harmed by any attack that is not connected to the Internet but is easily within reach, simply Goldilock is a masterpiece for the world of cryptocurrencies.

Goldilock takes advantage of 4 specific factors to give the best service to its customers, making it a very strong layer of security. These 4 points are: multifactor authentication, biometrics, triggers of regressive technology and cryptography. This way investors do not worry more about protecting their wallets since Goldilock with these layers of security protects their data completely and offline.

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Goldilock and the institutions

Institutions tend to have problems because they have to store a lot of data from different clients, they blindly trust that their information is safeguarded but maybe it is not because it can be stored in some vulnerable hardware or even worse online for everyone indirectly.


How can banks, insurance companies, and other institutions benefit from integrating Goldilock technology to their existing systems?

Banks and insurance companies are places where very sensitive data is handled, each client puts all their personal information blindly in the hands of these people, with total confidence that they are 100% sure of their personal information and financial data, what happens if not Is it like that? And do not blame all those institutions, because maybe they think they have the best to offer in terms of security, but in 2018 there is something more advanced and is a platform that meets the expectations of any client security, being this Goldilock. If this platform is adopted by banking institutions or insurance companies, its level would be much higher, which would generate a very positive impact on the clients' income and would also make its current consumers very satisfied.

The institutions of the type mentioned above are among the most benefited with Goldilocksince they handle very sensitive data, although cryptocurrency investors should not be left out.

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Goldilock digital token “LOCK”

Goldilock has its own cryptocurrency called LOCK, this is very useful within the platform since it is necessary to access the Goldilock wallet. The way it works is that when the user connects, they must have a LOCK to enter the wallet. Upon entering, the user's browser is opened and an audit is made of it, which is registered immutably.

LOCK token allows Goldilock to provide users with a record of their node activity, while keeping user-owned data
encrypted and locked away even from everyone including the Goldilock team. In addition, LOCK is to be the
accepted method of subscription payment for individual users on the Goldilock Security Suite.

Source, Whitepaper page 10

The process with the token:



The main intention is to offer support to NEO as cryptocurrency, becoming the safest cryptocurrency nowadays as it has all the layers of security and encrypted codes offered by Goldilock so that your investment would be the safest in the market.

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NEO smart economy.

NEO is highly important in the world of cryptocurrencies, it is not called "intelligent economics" in vain. It is a platform that is responsible for keeping trade agreements in smart contracts in programming code. What separates NEO from other competitors that create intelligent contracts is the fact that it stores the information in a blockchain technology, being decentralized and immutable, therefore it gives a very high security to its users.



NEO is a community blockchain project that has many advantages within what Goldilock seeks to offer its users, its purpose is to use the blockchain technology to meet three fundamental aspects:

  • Scan assets

  • Automate the management of digital assets through smart contracts

  • Implementing an "intelligent economy" with a distributed network

Why NEO?

The reason why Goldilock chose NEO as the allied platform for its LOCK token lies in the fact that they share philosophy and vision in the future and the evolution of the blockchain. Aspecetos within the mission of NEO make it a solid ally for Goldilock since it could satisfy 100% the needs of Goldilock users and provide them with all the security they deserve
In this way, the NEO profile complies with what Goldilockwants, a secure ecosystem for the storage of data of its users. The fact of sharing ideals and that NEO complies with all the stipulated regulations led Goldilock to use it as its allied platform.

Here are some graphs that show the Token LOCK division as a percentage

You can see what is the ALLOCATION of one billion smart contract tokens and, on the other hand, you can see the distribution of the USE OF PROCEEDS


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Goldilock useful to everybody.



Vanessa has to go to an important business meeting and bring many important documents, also must have at hand your current financial status since you will see your accountant who lives far away and can not go where she is. So a day before check your car and note that it does not turn on, aware that the next day must use some means of public transport leads you to think in a thousand ways that your documents could be lost, ruined or stolen all the way .

Talk to a friend by phone to see what she suggests, she talks to you quickly about Goldilock , explains the operation and Vanessa enters her computer to store her data in a very secure way on the platform, so that the next day I enjoy Go to both meetings without worries of paperwork or anything like that since everything was very well guarded by Goldilock



The stellar bank It is a banking institution that has very important accounts in the UK, it has a very comfortable and very complete platform for its clients. It is a prestigious bank and always seeks to innovate.

In their last meeting they reviewed the high rates of theft through cyber attacks to the users of companies like yours, that took them to a new task for their group of managers, the manager gave the order to investigate the most innovative security platform and strong today, to provide them and their customers with the quality they deserve. This is how I came to the Goldilock mmesa, the developers of the banking platform reviewed it and were completely in agreement to implement it, since in this way they are completely protected from any attack or hacking attempt.

As soon as the Stellar Bank adopted this platform, the voice ran and it had a very positive impact on the client rate itself, thanks to the implementation of Goldilock.

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The integrations are important that is why Goldilock is geared with important companies:




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Here is the team that keeps you safe



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Currently, we are only looking to improve, go forward, with Goldilock the platforms of any type give a total turn, because it offers a security for the storage of data completely invulnerable. It is what no type of storage was, a mixture of the two that there is in the market, the cold and the hot one, it is not nothing of that it is only the perfect storage, it is what any person needs or any institution would use. Goldilock, call the digital security 10 levels above, the fact of containing a blockchain platform just gives you a pul it also worth noting that with its token LOCK is even more dynamic and allows you to observe the entries to the wallet. For your part nothing better than offering the power to decide the period of time in which your information can be viewed. Impossible to violate the privacy of bank data and digital cryptocurrency wallets, all this is possible to storage OFF LINE of Goldilock

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For more information check MY BONUS VIDEO

If you want to know more from the official website check this one


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@rosiger1 maybe something will change

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Nice content! may I know how did yo created the text divider and how did you wrote the text in red color? as I am still learning.

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