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RE: Dead Poems, Round 11, Contest and Community Building

in #contest6 years ago


Well, here's my first poem (and there's a 2nd one at the end of the post) on Steemit ... it's in my Intro-Post.

If anyone ought to appreciate it, it's poets. Enjoy.



Oh man, how do you do it! When I read your poems, I count myself as one of those others in

Others, they'll write the prose.

Please say something comforting, like: it took you a few weeks of re-drafting and attention to details to achieve this! Please, even if you must lie ;-)


I took me 17 years to write that poem. I probably rewrote it 1,000 times. I was checked into a mental hospital on 3 occasions where, I'm told, I would often been seen rocking back and forth, mumbling, "Be Legend In Your Time. Be Legend In Your Time."

Verse is a harsh mistress. And ... so is Pryde Foltz.

I must run. I've got to go write a rebuttal to my latest "Daily Spanking." Wish me luck. She has a very sharp pen.



Wonderful mastery in rhyme, meter and stress:)


Pryde, you're my Simon Cowell. When I get a compliment about verse from you ... I pee in my pants from joy.


A great write extolling the virtue of writing for it’s own sake, and of letting your creative voice be your guide.

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