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RE: The Deadpost Initiative! - Week 19 - Share your most undervalued work + week 18 winners ($10 STEEM prize pool)

in #contest7 years ago

Political posts don't tend to get far on Steemit. It kind of depends on who is posting them (the whale factor I guess 'shrugs').

Here is one of those that fell by the way-side.

Is it Not Time to Put Our Hearts Into Ending Terrorism?


Thanks, as always, for organizing the Dead Posts Initiative. ^_^


@pathforger: You certainly deals with some real topics. Topics that may put you under a lot of scrutinies. Please be careful and safe.
As per your views, I agree completely. If you want to fight someone or something that is changing constantly you have to evolve too. And this is applicable for everything here in India we are trying to define something which is of this age under the terms and conditions that were set by the standard of our forefathers. It simply will not work

Thank you kindly for your vote, your comment and your concern. :c)

This was one of those 'Emperor has no clothes' plays designed to get some people to reassess their relationship with 'terror'.

The most important thing is not to lose ourselves to such events, genuine or contrived, that seek to coerce entire peoples down paths predetermined. Readiness in resistance is a sure if secondary priority.

I find it funny, even though we are from different places and cultural backgrounds. The mentality and behaviour over certain things are same. Especially the "emperor has no clothes" concept.. leaders denials and followers belief.

That was a great post @pathforger, so very sad that we as well as our governments do not seek to respect and understand, it's all a game of power!

Thank you kindly @lizelle ^_^

Yes, our World is full of joys but at the same time there are forces that seek to undermine that for the benefit of the very fiew. In pursuit of power they court folly.

I prefer to think that governments are incompetent rather than villainous - but as time wears on it grows harder to chalk it up to the former.

This falling by the way-side is similar to the american people reacted when they found out the NSA has been spying on us. Wasn't until mainstream media started making a fuss about it when the american people started to get a little more concerned. Now, it's like yesterdays news...

This is how opinion-engineering faux-democracy works. When the damning comes to light, first downplay it and then orchestrate a bait-and-switch such that the public's attention is diverted elsewhere.

And then it 'does' become merely 'yesterday's news'...

Thank you @artbyclark :c)

Its a really nice article and I must say terrorism has always been a distant brother of politics and they wouldn't get any of the arms and ammunition too if it weren't for politicians,
and this has given rise to tyrants like KJU.
If we ever wipe out terrorism completely it will be after we choose our representatives wisely.
Am really happy you shared your thoughts.

It took me a while to figure out who KJU was. :cP

Thank you kindly @thethinker007.

While I would quite agree that the roots of terrorism are primarily political, I hesitate to grant the two areas a status of natural kinship. I do so for arbitrary reasons as the connection certainly is easy enough to draw.

Agreed also that it will require the wise choosing of our representatives to provide hope in bringing terrorism to an end. That being said, the political system itself is corrupt and designed to pervert the peoples' ability to do so. Opinion-engineered faux-democracy (or demockerycy as I like to call it) is what is practiced in most so-called democratic nations.

Thank you again for your comment and vote :c)

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