What's the best movie made from the worst book? Tell me for a chance at SBI

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

good moives bad books.png

I spent some time researching for a client post recently and found a list of award winning movies that came from bad books. Bad meaning poorly written or well, kind of weird.

The most surprising one I found was The Godfather. Apparently the book was entirely about the protagonists vagina. I've never read it, but that's what the article said.

You can see it here if you want:

I'm curious about your opinion on the worst book to good movie adaptations you've seen.

Tell me in the comments what you think and you could win 2 SBI shares. Contest is open until the post hits payout!

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I´m gonna go with the Warcraft movie, and go hide myself before some Blizzard fanboy flails me alive for dissing the books. :P

Hmm...I like the Warcraft movie but I've never read the books. I kinda worried they'd be a bit, ah, bad. Back in the early 90's I worked in a computer gaming store and they also carried things like Magic the Gathering cards. One time we got a shipment of signed books based on Magic so I picked one up thinking it might be worth something someday given how popular the game was.

I read it. Well I tried to read it. It was awful. So I've stayed away from any books based on games. Are there any good ones?

But if the fanboy's for Magic happen to be around...I still have the book and it's for sale. 😋

Lol, I have NEVER seen a good book based on a video game. Except maybe the Mechwarrior series, but that doesn´t count because it´s the other way around. The books and the tabletop games came first. I would read a book based on the Fallout series, and maybe one based on Monkey Island. Remember that one?

I don't want to buy your magic book, but when I was in the hospital for pneumonia, my friend brought me a Magic book. It WAS terrible, but that was perfect, because it meant I didn't care if I remembered it at all, and I wasn't really going to because of the pain meds and overall lethargy (it was really bad pneumonia, like surgery and everything)

Now, for my recommendation:
The movie Blood and Chocolate isn't, like, GOOD, but it's watchable if you're in that kind of mood.
The book is ... We were on a long road trip, trying to listen to it on audiobook, and it just...
It's hard to relate to. Like, ok, I guess the emphasis is on that they're wolves, not people, but a major plot point that we're expected to get on board with is the sexual relationship between a 16-year-old girl and a 24-year-old man with a lot of power. So... I guess the reason the movie is more palatable is that they take that out.

Listen, I love werewolf stuff. I especially love stuff that makes werewolves complex characters, but I don't need statutory rape in anything I read, no matter the justifications.

I agree with you on that last point. I've never read it but knowing that's there is proof enough of how bad it is.

Sure you don't want the Magic book? Somebody must...

@ntowl I mean, I'll take it. I'll need something to read the next time I'm on the verge of death!

My vote for worst book to good movie adaptation would be Battle Royale. It's a Japanese dystopian film released in 2000. The film has an 87% fresh rating from RT, and they described it as, "a controversial and violent parable of adolescence, heightening teenage melodrama with life-or-death stakes." Think Hunger Games, but without the costumes, fantastical world-building, and other YA elements.

I saw the movie first, so I was excited to read the manga afterwards. However, I remember I started to read the manga, but I couldn't get past its first few issues. Compared to the movie, the manga was too exploitative and sexualized. It just felt off to me.

Of course, since Battle Royale predates Hunger Games, when I saw Hunger Games, I thought, "they just ripped off Battle Royale." But then I thought, "well, they both ripped off 'Roman Gladitorial Games Trope' with a 'teen' splat, so I guess there's no such thing as an original idea"

True. These says most stories are just new interpretations of the classics. Some, better than others. But they're still interpretations, nonetheless.

Thanks for the comment. My kids are super into Manga but I haven't read any myself. I loved Hunger Games though I've only seen the movies.

I got started with manga when I was younger. A lot of my favorites just stuck with me, though I haven't had the time to read anything new in the last few years.

Can I vote for all of the Lord of the Rings movies? I hated those books and had to read them ALL in 12th grade for a literature class. I thought the misery would never end.

I liked reading "The Hobbit" and this was a special class older friends had liked in the prior year. I was confused for the whole year. The teacher and most of the other students loved the books and would spend a week on a page sometimes, thrilled with how great the writing was.

This was back in the 70's. I am never bored, but I sure was then.

When the movies started coming out, my son was young, so I took him with dread. I was so surprised to be entertained and decided to try to read the books again, since he had them. Nope! still boring and endless!

I read The Godfather, and thought it was good. I had no idea what I was reading, I guess!

So funny how people have different tastes. Tolkien is considered one of the greats but apparently not everyone agrees. I have to admit I haven't read them (I think I read the Hobbit years ago), but I also love the movies.

I did get some of his other works that I thought were extensions on the world. Short stories in the same universe but I can't recall the names. I couldn't make it more than a few pages into that. I was bored too!

Thanks for your entry!

Hi @ntowl!

In sooth, I know not whether you 'll understand this or ever seen that movie. I am from India and recently a movie *** Bahubali series*** had broken an exceptional record in money collection.

It is a Bollywood movie. But I don't like its novel. It was one of the worst book that I ever read along with my friend.
Action scene of movie was fantastic, probably that only lead it to success but when it comes in book form. I found it lost its charm, specially in sense of action.

I just watched this movie on Netflix. The visuals were​ beautiful. I don't usually watch Bollywood movies, but I enjoyed this movie series a lot. Though I got confused at first, because I didn't realize there was a different set of characters between the two movies. You see, I only dropped in on my sister watching the movie midway. So when we finished the "Beginning" movie and started watching the "Conclusion" movie, I had to do a double take. It was only then that I realized the two movies had different heroes.

It was just VFX Gentleman, otherwise you must have seen what kind of storyline it had.
Even our Mahabharata is much better than such kinds of fiction.

I don't know the movie or the book but I'll take your word for it. Thank you for sharing it for the contest!

@ntowl. You can check by name also. That's a popular movie of recent.
The man who wrote this story was a father of a director. So, they spend much money mostly on vfx.
But its story was not something unique or exceptional like lord of ring.

A king who is praised for his goodness was stronger and his cousin just took the throne and he died and then his son grown up take the revenge and that's it.
Only action scene was there. A general idea reincarned by money.

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