Contest for REAL people - SBD prize for one lucky engaging follower

in #contest6 years ago

Hey, you! Yes, you! Stand still laddie! (Or lassie, as the case may be.)

Are you as sick and tired of bots as I am? Do you have three hundred followers, maybe seven of which engage? Well, I'm doing a contest for HUMAN followers. Not that any bots would apply, they just effing sit there in your followers list getting your hopes up that maybe there will be some more interaction on your next post.

How to enter:

  1. Breathe. Bots don't breathe.
  2. Verify that you are made out of flesh. Bots are made out of hopelessness and disappointment.
  3. Find some way to prove to me that you are not a bot.
  4. Comment here with that proof.
  5. Follow me once you're sure that you are not a bot.

I want human followers that aim for engagement. I post about gardening, home improvement, crypto, anarchy, and other stuff. I want to see posts like that in your profile because mutual interests and philosophies makes for engagement. If you're in disagreement with me, I would love to have someone with whom to debate and discuss things, especially about politics and philosophy.

Payout will be half of whatever SBD I earn between now and the payout for this post. I won't spend any, and y'all can verify that in my wallet. tyfys blockchain. You can pick if you want that as @steembasicincome shares or straight SBD. I'd take the shares if I were you, but that's why I am leaving it up to you.

It's open to current and new followers, but a new person is probably gonna win it. Just cause that's kinda what the contest is mostly for. I'll know new followers from @ginabot notifications.

Good luck, and have fun!

Stay relevant



I'm not a bot though I feel like one sometimes LOL

That's exactly what a bot would say.

Send me two bottles of whiskey and your private keys as prof that you're not a bot. Any whiskey, I'm not picky.

Well @nateonsteemit I'm not a bot, I'm a cat IMG_20180612_110853_001.jpg
Followed and upvoted. Already have 8 SBI shares and buying more, it's a great project!

Thanks! It seems I have a lot of cat followers from this. Glad to have a good group of allies to push bots off the table :)

I was Steemit-ing in bed because I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed to take this proof picture. So, I hope you appriciate it! lol


Those are seeds in my hand and home-improvement going on behind me. 👍

I appreciate the effort! Welcome, you're entered! I look forward to talking with you more!

I am not a bot! BUT I want one to come and do my chores so I can be on Steemit and Discord longer!

That's why God made roombas! Theres quite a few that are really comprtitively priced on Amazon. I need to get one for my wife.

You're entered! :)

We are Australians living in Cambodia....the moment we can buy stuff on Amazon here I am in!! thanks for accepting my entry!

Oh wow! What takes you to Cambodia? And why no Amazon there?

Oh wow! What takes you
To Cambodia? And why
No Amazon there?

                 - nateonsteemit

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

It started as an extended holiday. Next minute 6 years have passed and our family of 7 have never left. I am a Pre-kindergarten teacher and my husband holds down fort at our wine and tapas bar Picasso Siem Reap.
Cambodia is still behind the times in so many things. People will live in a shack in the village slums but have the latest model iphone. We only got speed cameras in Siem Reap (Thank you Australian government for your donation lol) last year. There is no real foxed addresses here and only main roads have street names which make delivery of anything difficult to say the least and there is still no sure way of anyone's mail ever actually arriving as the postal system is still ironing out creases. There is a sister site of Amazon we can use but the feedback I have heard has been hit and miss......still wouldn't leave Cambodia lol.

Welcome to Steem! I am not bot! Up vote and follow me back! Says no real human on here!

Nice post! Give me money! Is what they are saying usually!

I think it is safe to say that it is fairly obvious that the people here all know by now I am a real life breathing person!

Also if you do for some reason decide to award the prize to me please donate it to @deejcharitytrust to be used to help new steemians I am working to sponsor in the real world.

Just gonna leave this here for yall to enjoy! I AM THE LIVING MAN!

Cool idea! How bout this:

The promised prize is half my earned SBD between now and payout. I love your idea of a steem charity, and I would love to contribute. The other half will be donated to @deejcharitytrust to help you carry on the good work.

The living man is hilarious. Thanks for reminding the world about this guy.

Glad you enjoyed that as well! Probably one of the best things I ever seen!

Prove I am not a bot in a comment.. Blah Blah blah, Bot be dis bot be dat, bot be bot but I'm not a bot. Bot goes bump bot goes dump. boy a bot and vote to top. Monkey see monkey do, monkey shines all his own do do.

I don't think a bot would type a bunch of crap like that., but I am not sure I mean there is that stupid haiku bot that basically plagiarizes peoples post and and justifies it by saying I'm a bot, So what it's a plagiarizing bot.

There are also those bots that look back along someone's post, (currently stealing and plagiarizing from 8 to 13 day old comments, and posing them as their own. So someone I guess could have typed all this shit 8-13 days ago on someone else's post and you might never even know it.

So I could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious -- would a bot know that word? Yeah bot are pretty smart. How about the answer to everything is 42! do bots know that? 4 times 2 is 8, and 4 minus 2 is 2, and 2 times 8 is 16 and one plus 6 is 7. and 7 is the luckiest number, but wait we used 42 to get to seven so how would a bot figure that out?

So yeah, I'm a real person. After all no bot would type this much in a comment to prove it was a real person, and no bot is going to be concerned with winning a prize, whereas the only reason I went through this whole exercise was for the prize of proving I am not a bot. A real person does not like to pass up the chance for a little free money after all, a bot, they have no clue what money is.

I need SBD to feed my steemmonster needs. Okay, so we get to the real reason for all the typing, no bot is going to want to buy cards for a card game that has not been 100% fully developed yet, and that we have to wait til september to see how the games are going to work, so yep that is my proof that I am not a bot, because i want to buy cards, and bots just want to steal money.

Oh-any typos blame on the ill programed bot called me.

There's a bot that'll point out typos for you ;)

You're entered. I'm convinced.

"The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


My problem with bots is the inflated numbers. I've seen some neat ones like the grammar nazi and the text to speech bot. A bot that posted badass quotes would be really neat.

Beep boop... Hello Friend , Promote your new post with --robot failure noises-- community building, interaction, and respect!

I too am tired of having a bunch of hollow followers. The real ones are still out there though, I have hope and think you should too :)

Wish we could ddos the fake ones into submission. Alas, Steem is impenetrable by ddos.

Welcome aboard, kill a bot today, you're entered :)

The hollow follower thing is getting crazy! I'm pretty sure, with no exaggeration, that about 300 of my 500 followers are following 2,000+/- people. Every time I post ginabot goes nuts with new "followers" instantly.
But I do have real followers, so I too have hope! ☺

I just had to revisit this. Since I posted ^^ that comment, I've gained 3 new followers who follow over 30,000 people. Seriously!!!

Yeah, not cool. I wonder if they're trying to follow everyone on steem. I get a bunch with every post as well, so maybe they only follow active accounts. Though I have no idea why. It's quite frustrating. I wonder what the revenue of bots is...

There you go, and image says more than 1000 words, photo of your post taken with my phone :) , already following you have a nice day!
I just started with steemit 2 days ago xD



Though now I suspect someone is gonna be able to set up two laptop bots to do exactly this. I need to work on my paranoia.

I can solve binance's turing puzzles faster than 97% of users. Sometimes I hesitate just to see if the number actually changes or if they always say 97%. I have never deliberately failed it, although a falsification test would be the next obvious check.

Mr. Fancy McBot!

Although there's no video evidence of your claim, I'll believe you.

I'm usually 84 or 86%

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