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RE: Day 18 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 91.529 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

day 18 and you are all still playing?! AMAZING!!! Ive been absent from Steemit for a few days, so decided to drop by and give 5 minutes to get the words flowing again even though I'm not in the contest anymore :)

40% off is such a good marketing trick! It gets me every time. It's close enough to 50 that your brain tells you you're getting it half off, which is basically like free if you buy two. But am I really getting a discount? NO. That 40% off does not cut into the profit margins of the store, so in reality, I'm probably paying a fair price with 40% off but I'm not getting a deal. So when I pick up 4 things to get two almost free, I'm actually just 100% poorer. From now on I gotta start asking myself if I'd buy it at full price. If the answer is no, then the discount doesn't make it any better when I'm trying to save money.


So glad you stopped by!!! And your logic is sound!!!

Hi @madpotters how are you lately?

I have been having a hard time getting on Steemit to write :( I think I should have stuck with the contest, at least to get me to the computer every morning!

That was one of the best explanations of 40% off I've ever read! And you are right it's an awesome marketing ploy.

hehe thanks! Im still a sucker, even though I know the ploy!

I don't know, with that line of thinking, I'm surprised you make it out of the house. Way too much pondering. Next time I have an issue, I'll send it to you so you can think it around the block for me a few times. Can't hurt. Cheers Dude! :-))

Sometimes I dont :( hahahahhaha

No seriously, if you need someone to overthink your problem and come up with all the unlikely scenarios that could occur and work out a plan for each and every one of them, Im your gal!!!

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