INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - Attacks from below - Battle One

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

As per the wizards tower of doom post your hero has chosen to attack the tower from below.

You enter from below... 

At first it was damp and dark, but your eyes adjust (helped by some crazy glowing pumpkins rolling by)

                 You make out a crazy little imp dude as seen on your screen below


                                           He looks like an agitated little fellow..



Please reply below how your hero will attack the crazy little imp dude?. i.e go for his eyes first or go straight for his heart. 

You may finish him anyway you wish, but if you don't choose the initial attack sequence correctly you may be seriously injured/killed and unable to continue later (and thus miss out on attacking the Boss and winning the Grand prize).

Note: If you choose your attack wisely here, you will win instant Steem (paid in 7 days, it's a 50/50 guess).You will find out if you were successful in approx 7 days

Reminder: You must choose which spot to attack first:

  1. go for his eyes first OR
  2. go straight for his heart.


Once you have replied here, you will be later sent a link directing you to the: Attacks from below - Battle two post


Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Some images shown are from abandonware games, such as the Bards tale. 

50% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  prize money for this Battle! The prize will be equally split to all those heroes who choose wisely. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  


ooh ooh aah aah.. sexy eyes.. that is.


Your attack to his eyes first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Hmmm, I would distract his eyes with my hotness (this would turn him into a drooling mess) and then I would plunge a metal stake into his heart. so I guess you could say eyes first.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Haha That's just mean! but cool..

Your attack to his eyes first has been recorded.

Human eater will attack straight for imp heart to kill at first strike

How dare his heart beat in front of you..

Your attack straight to the heart has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

I daily check all replies!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

The Pumpkin Rider distracts the crazy little imp dude with his pumpkin creatures and attacks straight for the heart with his razor sharp scythe!

Pumpkin Rider small.jpg

That heart got chopped like sturr fry veggie..

Your attack straight to the heart has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

I am glad I donned my spiked codpiece because The Donger attacks the crazy little imp dude with a pelvic thrust to the eyes.

Argghh man I should have known..

Your attack to his eyes first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

dead crazy little imp dudes tell no tales!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking sends out a duck to claw imp eyes. If he cannot see he cannot battle!

Little imp dude is blinded.
Little imp dude counter-attacks but he is blinded. MISS.

Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking sends a special ability, SYMPHONY,
3 ducks start quacking in symphony.
Little imp dude lost hearing.

Little imp dude is trying to flee as he cannot see or hear.
Little imp dude fails to flee.

Mighty Illusionist feels like a pussy as he attacks blinded and deaf little imp dude with QUACK.
Critical QUACK!
Little imp dude -200 HP.
Little imp dude is eliminated.

Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking proceeds to next round.

Haha poor little Imp gets smashed by Critical Quack when blinded & unable to hear

Your feeling guilty, cowards attack has won you a Trophy Token, please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Your attack to his eyes first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

Thank you :D I make sure to properly attack opponents haha. My bitshares is same as steemit - positivity420

Cool man - your trophy should be delivered :)

Thank you very much for the trophy token!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Wet Cat is still a Cat so nothing is easier than a jump into his face and to go and attack his eyes. After he can't see anymore I will just leave him beyond

Nasty and effective..

Your attack to his eyes first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

See the colour of the walls and ground? They look like a very similar dank dirty gross green to the skin colour of a sneaky little NinjaGobbo git...

NinjaGobbo sneaks up around and behind the agitated little slashy imp and whispers in his ear:

"It's IMPortant to be IMPressive" as he stabs him straight in the heart.

The imp is enraged as he pulls the knife out of his chest, he looks at NinjaGobbo disgustedly, never has an imp had to endure such awful last words.... he dies unhappily.

Hahaha.. man I love the hate I have for that little Gobbo git!

Your attack straight to the heart has been recorded.

Really? He's always said such nice things about you... he goes on and on about how you have beautiful skin and he just wants to take it off you, or how you'd look amazing with more wounds.

Thanks dude! Can not wait to see how this all plays out. This whole thing is incredible!

No probs dude!

Hahaha...err, I want to give Gobbo a hug, but I always gets this sharp stabby sensation in my back when he is around :)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

2. go straight for his heart.
Ryuk floats over to the critter and reaches into his body and pulls out the critters beating heart.

Yuck! but effective.

Your attack straight to the heart has been recorded.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready

While his skills might be a little rusty from all the boozing and womanizing, Bear is still a seasoned adventurer and this isn't the first imp he has encountered.

Bear lets out a deep chuckle. He was half expecting a cave troll only to be confronted by this pipsqueak. "This will be a nice warm up," he thinks to himself.

Bear fakes to the left making sure to be a little louder than normal while bringing around his great axe in a wide arc to the right. Straight for the Imps heart.


Hahaha so glad Bear came back, he is so inspirational to the younger players.

Your attack straight to the heart has been recorded.

Bear also receives a fresh trophy to add to his overfilled cupboard (probably keeps them behind the nice beers in the tiny fridge). You know the drill, please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below battle 2 post is ready

Thanks 🙂

I'm not familiar with bitshares, it is easy to set up an account?

Also what do I do with the trophy? Other then put it on my virtual mantle?

A few people have asked..

The short version:

visit to create a free account. Then reply here with the username you created to receive your Trophy token.

Trophy tokens can be kept for memories or traded in some competitions for bonuses.

The long version:

From a non-techo view, bitshares is another cryptocurrency (like Steem). Trophy-tokens are like an ICO or subset coin that is running on the bitshares cryptocurrency. A friend of mine @trophy-token on steemit made 100,000 Trophy coins. Myself and other competition holders give them to people for good content on Steemit. The intent is you just keep it with a nice comment reminder about your good content on Steemit. They don't have a price $ technically, but one day they could be worth price $, especially as they run out. I use them by sending to players in Interactive Battles for great replies. Later I might ask a player to send on back for a bonus (hence when I send them out, I send a little bitshare coin - just enough to send the trophy back to me). In this particular tournament you can't play the last round unless you guess both attacks correctly. If you guessed any incorrectly, you virtually died and thus your out. However, if you send me a trophy token (per defeat) you may come back to life, and therefore continue to the Boss round.

It is worth keeping trophy tokens, as the grand prize is over 10 Steem. You might make it to the finale without them, but if you have them, you have improved your chances - it will make more sense later, there are additional details in the enrolment post and the links there :)

OK thanks, that makes sense to me now.

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