Contest Winner Announcement!!
So my very first art contest has concluded so I have consulted with my co-judge and we have determined a winner!!
I am actually quite pleased with the turnout. I had a total of four entries which is four more than I thought I was going to get. You all did a wonderful job at portraying my character! It was a lot of fun to see what you all came up with. But sadly, there can only be one winner.
So without further delay, the winner is.......
@hengary!! Congratulations!
We both thought it was beautifully rendered, clean lines, lovely colours and the pose was creative! Great job! I will send you your prize here shortly!
Thank you to everyone who participated in my contest. It was a lot of fun and I will certainly have to host another one soon! So don't worry, you'll have another chance at another suhweet sbd prize in the future! You all are awesome!
For now, I am doing a couple commission sketches which I will post as soon as I get them done here. Thanks again!
Until next time!
Omggg thaaanks! o////o