My life's biggest regret... | An Entry

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Photo not mine. Source


Making a decision is always a hard one especially when it's about something that will greatly affect our future, our plans, our lives. Ever since I was young, I never get to decide anything for my own unless it's of a small thing. I have always needed my parents' advice or of my relatives'.

The time came when it's finally the moment to choose whichever course I'll be taking for a career in the long run. I was caught up in taking up Architecture, which was my first choice, or Nursing, which was that year's most enrolled course because of the immense opportunities abroad.

Weighing the pros and cons plus the added persuasion of my family, Nursing won. Aside from being the highest outpour of students that time, I was also thinking of the practicality and financial costs since it was less of a hassle for me too because I get to have a free entrance exam and I was too lazy to take other exams in different universities.

I took all four years religiously. I worked my ass out and burnt tons of midnight oil. I never failed to attend each class since day 1 and all the efforts paid off. I graduated without having extension duties in a hospital or a failed subject. I almost did but I worked hard to pass it and I did.

Here comes the licensure exam, which was tremendously nervewracking. It decides your fate to be a professional nurse or worse. Luckily, when the results finally came out, my name was on the roster list. I was proud of myself, so did my family and my friends.

After getting my license, I was able to work in a 100-capacity bed hospital for four years. Yes! For four years! I managed that long. I learned to love the art of taking care and touching other lives. Seeing a sick person get discharged with a big grin on their faces and a simple 'thank you' from them makes all the tiring work of a nurse all worth it.

Nevertheless, there's still a part of me that wished I took Architecture instead of Nursing. When the workload in the hospital makes me feel burnt out, it makes me realize that I neglected what I really loved to do, my first love; to draw, to create something artistic, to build houses and buildings.

There's always that part of me that tells me 'What if? What if I took the chance? What could be my life right now? Will it be much easier than what I'm experiencing right now?' But they will always remain a what if.

Every time these ideas come rushing through my brain, I prefer to think that my past made me who I am right now. Being an architect may remain as my life's greatest regret but I am happy and contented with whatever I am enjoying as of the moment. We can never get back what is lost now, so it's better to move on and live with it.

This is my entry to @jason04's "My Life's Biggest Regret Contest." If you want to join, please check his post below.

My Life's Biggest Regret Contest. All participants receive a reward I @jason04

Much love,



What you're doing right now is one of the most noble deeds. Having the power to save lives gives you a special privilege. A privilege that no architect or engineer might have no matter how good they are at their job. 20 years from now while an architect will be counting how many designs he has made, you will be counting how many lives you have saved. So, I believe, maybe you should look at it as a blessing and not a regret. :)

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