in #contest6 years ago

I just wanted to make a quick post today about an awesome Steemian I've been following for quite some time! If your a minnow, dolphin, or whale and love a good laugh then follow @o07 he's got a daily contest where you post a GIF related to the topic at hand and you'll be entered to win the payout of the post in SBD! Always usually above 2 SBD for simply posting a GIF. The image above is a photo of the 2017 Steemit coin which he sent me also didn't charge for shipping or anything for simply winning his Apprentice Challenge.

The Kookaburra coin was won by @Josefinemk in a GIF contest where she entered 3 things she would need during a Zombie apocalypse! All in all the contest's are fun with great entries and I try my best to join every day for a good laugh and a chance to win some silver and SBD! The coins aren't as frequent anymore since who can afford to give away 20$USD coin away weekly, but it would be cool if the contest got some big upvotes and could be doing it more frequently again!

Coins .jpg

He's also started to do a weekly giveaway in his DISCORD ROOM where you can share your post in the post promotion section, which drives more traffic to each post and @o07 reads through all of them and gives out 1SBD to 5 worthy candidates at the end of the week.

I feel like its Steemians like this that deserve to be recognized as they're truly trying to give back to the community instead of trying to destroy the reward pool like many do.

So cheers @o07 for everything you do!



I agree, @o07 is legit.... Steemit fam should embrace this guy for sure..... Great post man @kryptocek showing love is what it's all about

You guys are too kind :) #o07crew

Thanks man! I feel like he deserves some recognition. I may not have a tonne of supporters but even if he gains a few new followers from it well I think it's well deserved!

I agree 100%.....

Incredibly generous man I'm proud to call a friend.

Couldn't agree more! He's actually the first Steemian I've spoken with on audio chat and a genuine dude! Glad I've met a member of the AUS community and hopefully more in the future! :) and personally if me and @josefinemk can find a way to make it back there!

Thanks Matt,

Your a top honest bloke that has always been there to help support me :)

#mallsballers #weredoingthis

Such a great guy! You're always supporting the community :-) Thank you @o07 ! I love my coin!

The Kookaburra is pretty bad ass especially with the special edition shark I believe if I remember correctly!

Thanks Mate,

Really appreciate the kind words.

I'm trying to help support the wider community, by running fun contests that award SBD so I can spread the good word of Steemit.

The Discord is going well and we are only going to get stronger over the next few months.

I spend 6 hours plus on Steemit each day, but it doesn't feel like a work it feels like home.

Glad you liked the coin, and say hi to @josefinemk for me :)

Yeah it's an awesome platform to be a part of for sure! She's been busy lately with exams but I know she'll get back on Steemit and your contests soon!

Once you have the Steemit bug it never leaves bro!

Yes!! I agree!! Thankyou @o07 for all your encouragement! 😊

Your welcome,

Hope to see you at the May #mallsballers meetup :)

That's awesome! I love the design of the coin 😊
And I'm sure everybody knows how awesome @o07 is. If not, then they definitely have to follow him 💚

Absolutely and you find another awesome individuals through his contest and post promotion page!

great looking coin :) big regards

Cheers man! I think I will pick up a few 2018 coins as well :)

He is the man! He never stops giving.

Thank you for helping build the community, I have been participating in competitions and I have gained some SBD this way which I am powering up my account with to upvote others and grow the community.

Thats what it's all about :)

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