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RE: IFC S1-R31 - Catch Up Round - Wide Awake!

in #contest6 years ago

We are energy and I truly believe in connecting with the right frequencies you can truly create your reality. I am a terrible dreamer...for the past 4 months I have really tried hard to get into a dream, but have not had many successes...

As for people in power, yes of course they have access to more then we know...have you ever indulge in remote viewing? I have had more success with that, then dreaming.

The population is extremely distracted. The bread and circus continues...It's something that the elite have master over thousands of years. It takes time to wake everyone up, but I certainly see this happening ever since the release of the internet and social media.


If we can truly create our own reality, why hasn't anyone ended world hunger or animal abuse or war or enslavement or all of these things? I do think we can change all of these things in time, maybe not in my lifetime.. But.. I am not convinced I can fix all the problems in the world just by dreaming or somehow creating my reality through my thoughts, I guess I'm open minded to it, but I just think a lot of problems are going to be around for a long time. And some may even be like.. Inherent in our reality in a "duality" sense..

To answer your question about remote viewing, no I have not. I admit I'm a bit skeptical, but I'm also open minded as well and more and more intrigued by the idea lately as I explore the subjective of the pineal gland and consciousness and dreams and such.

They have indeed mastered their arts of domination over a long time period, perhaps even longer than you suggest.. But.. in regards to your statement about the internet.. I'm not so sure.
It could be part of the plan. There's so much weird symbolism tied into the inter-"NET", this "web".. We're on. As far as I know it originated in secret military development, so.. It was "them" who created it, and they released it and made it more and more available and did not try to fight it much outside of some restrictions here and there.

I'd like to believe the internet was a benevolent idea given to us to free us, though I think it could be the other way around and a way to trap us even more. Though I still feel compelled to use it because I feel I can reach more people more effectively here than in person.

But I mean.. There's a lot of weird 666 symbolism as well. pretty sure the www means 666 in hebrew. The first apple computer sold for 666.66$

Think about the language with the "block chain"... The block is the "cube" they keep us in and it's got chains too. Heh. We're on a world wide "web", an inter"net" block "chain".. Is this really our solution? Or is this a plan by them to control us even more? The cashless society so many conspiracy theorists fear? The 666 system where they can just turn off your "chip" and you can no longer buy or sell.. I mean.. I dunno.. I am open minded that this whole thing could be a trap, we're all being put on lists.. And.. So far humanity hasn't really been able to organize very well against their overlords. I'm a bit pessimistic honestly.. But.. I still have hope and I still fight and try because I believe it's important even if it seemed impossible. It's incredibly important to fight for what you believe is right in my opinion.

Time will tell with all this internet stuff, I'd rather not be left behind.. Maybe there's nothing to the language and all the 666 symbology.. But.. If I found out there truly was something to it..And that this is a trap, I would work towards addressing that. Haven't seen enough evidence yet, so.. I'm going with the flow for now! We'll see how it goes. Hopefully better like you propose. :)

I think we have solved theses problems. We at least know the solutions exist. I guess the over all collective consciousness needs to be greater. And that's where people like you and I share this knowledge in helping the collective. It takes time for the evolution of change. Look at slavery, women's rights, hell cigarettes. Once we get the truth (what we know is true until otherwise proven indifferent) anything is possible I guess and the internet is either going to bring us together or divide us farther. It's hard to tell.

As for 666. That's interesting Symbolism but I don't tend to get caught up with 666. I feel it's more of a creation of society rather than the man it was actually referencing. But I am fasinated with synchronicities of numbers, especially 3, 6, 9.

I think society is getting closer, but I believe humanity has failed about every 10000 years and had to "restart". And I think we are pushing closer to that mark.

I dunno if anything is possible, but I do still have hope and that's one reason I fight so hard and spend so much time when I could be out living for myself or partying like most other people I know.
I don't think I'll see the world I'd like during my lifetime, but I can help. We can all help. Many of these problems are likely multi generational and will take numerous generations to fix, but.. That doesn't mean our work isn't incredibly important, in fact it's so important it might all fall apart without us. Which is something I wish more people realized.

In regards to 666, I agree in that I think it's more people than a real Devil, but that's still concerning so many real people in powerful positions are going down this path. And are trying to lead us down paths as well that are not in our best interest.
3, 6 and 9.. The Tesla numbers? I saw something about that the other day. Interesting stuff!

I think society is getting closer, but I believe humanity has failed about every 10000 years and had to "restart". And I think we are pushing closer to that mark.

Majorly agree with that! Sorta like in The Matrix at the end when he's talking to the Architect and the Architect says there's been numerous simulations before. Sorta like that I think.. But..Hopefully we can break free and don't have to keep repeating that vicious cycle.

I really have to watch/re watch The Matrix. I've been hearing about it a lot lately. Plus, I had a "contact" of sorts with a light source the night I went to see one of them in the theaters with my friends. I remember it distinctly and it has stuck with me all those years later. I could never explain the meaning behind it and have never seen anything like it since. But maybe there is something in that movie that might jog some memory or something that's hidden from that night. It was a very weird experience.

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