A Contest about Contests!!!!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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A Contest about Contests!!!!


Are You Ready For Some Great Contests With Fantastic Prizes?

Then let's get started with a contest about contests!

The Core Members of @Freewritehouse are actively working to come up with new and unique contests that will add fun, excitement, challenges, and opportunities for all of our members. But we are few and you are many, so we are challenging all of our creative members to think up a unique contest idea of your own that we can use as a regular Freewrite contest. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Name your contest.
  2. Give a detailed explanation of the rules and how to play the game.
  3. Provide an easy foolproof way to fairly select a winner or winners
  4. Suggest potential prizes that could be awarded.

If your unique idea is chosen to be added to our list of regular contest games you will receive

* 5 SBD - shared between all qualified entries and

* Half of the SBD payout - shared between all qualified entries and

* A chance to win a membership in Steem Basic Income

All qualified entries will be entered into a raffle to win a membership to Steem Basic Income.


Also, if you have seen another contest being used on Steemit or anywhere else that you would like to see us adopt for use @freewritehouse, then tell us about it and you might win an additional prize. Here is what you need to do;

  1. Name
  2. where you saw it
  3. the basic rules and how to play
  4. Suggest a prize

If this turns out to be something that is not already on our list, and we can use it, then you will be awarded a bounty of

* 3 SBD - shared between all qualified entries and

* A chance to win a membership in Steem Basic Income

All qualified entries will be entered into a raffle to win a membership to Steem Basic Income.

Our plan here is to always keep this site active, fun and relevant, and with your help, we can attain those goals!

If you like to see the prize pool grow - donations are welcome. Use memo: For Contest about Contests.

All donators will be entered into a raffle to win a Steem Basic Income membership!!

The Contest will close on April 10, 2018.

Potato Sack Race Open Source Photo by Kemberly Groue

Tug of War Open source Photo by Natalie White

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


This is something I’d love to see as a competition. Also, the idea came to me in my own writing when I needed a monster and a Native American one didn’t work exactly for my Egyptian theme. This is a great way to brainstorm for our own projects too. :)

  1. Myths and Monsters

  2. Freewrite should pick a famous monster, include the background info and country of origin (if applicable) as inspiration. This is a great way to add a bit of education and passing interest in the post too. Entrants have a week to enter and they must:

    (1) Create their own monster inspired by the free write sample with a unique name.

    (2) Write an associated 500-800 word myth of the monster. It can be in poetic or lyrical form too.

    (3) Include original artwork of said monster, so we can imagine what was on their mind. Some might be encouraged to pick up a pencil and doodle something. Some might want to play with digital graphics, etc. Some might showcase other artists happy to showcase their work. Some might get their kids to draw it! It doesn’t need to be perfect, it should be fun. The myths could be scary fun for children, as parents we often make up stories for our kids.

  3. I can’t provide a foolproof way to judge. It’s writing with art referenced, so plagiarism is always a risk. But the word count is small enough yet long enough to keep it myth-like.

  4. Your usual SBD rewards, and if you’re able to, showcase the post for more traffic to creator’s blog.

Great Idea!!! You are in the winner's circle!

Your SBI raffle # is 1

1 linnyplant

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Setup - One Freewriter is asked to include the words "Eightball" somewhere in their blog along with either "Side Pocket" or "Corner Pocket." A second Freewriter is asked to include the pocket either "Side Pocket" or "Corner Pocket" that was selected for the game in their blog for that day's prompt. Other blogging members may be asked to include the name of the wrong pocket in their blogs.

Object - Contestants must search for the "Eightball" and the pocket that it needs to go in. then they must upvote that members post and make a reply without using the words "Eightball" or "Pocket" or anything else that would give clues to other searchers. Now they must find the correct pocket to place the eightball in. When they find the blog with the correct pocket they must upvote that post and form a reply that mentions the member where they found the eightball. Once you have put the eightball in the proper pocket return to the daily prompt post and reply with the eightball graphic above so that it can be checked for accuracy. If everything was completed correctly your name will be included in the list of winners who will share the reward. No indication will be given as to whether the answer is correct or incorrect until the end of the contest.

Suggested prize reward: 0.8 SBD split between correct submissions 🙂


  1. Upvote and reply to the selected bloggers having the eightball or correct pocket in their blog.
  2. Those selected to have the eightball or side pocket are not eligible to play that round. Those who include an incorrect pocket in their blog are eligible.
  3. The correct name of the blogger posting the eightball must be mentioned in a reply to the blogger posting the correct pocket.
  4. The eightball graphic must be posted in a reply to the daily prompt.

Strategy - To keep other searchers from following your trail you might want to upvote and reply to various bloggers mentioning random freewriters lol. The fewer people getting the correct combination the greater the reward.

The "Eightball" graphic is free open source and no credit is required.

I like this idea!

Great idea!!! Only the required upvote is against the rules... I know a lot of people do it. but we can suggest to upvote instead of making it mandatory.

This is a pretty hefty contest, so it might take some time to gather the funds to make it viable, but...
A film-making contest in several stages

  1. Writers write and submit 1-4 page scripts using 1-2 actors based on the prompt (and set in locations that can be found everywhere) within post payout of the contest announcement post (via linkdrop in the comments to their own script post on their page)
  2. Everyone in the Over 20 Club gets to vote on which script moves forward (by upvoting the scripts in the comments section). Winner gets 25SBD
  3. Actors record and submit videos of themselves doing the scenes in the appropriate settings. (By posting the videos and dropping a link to them in the comments section of the winning script announcement before post payout)
  4. Everyone NOW in the Over 20 Club gets to vote on which performances are used (by upvoting the comments). Winner(s) get 25SBD each.
  5. Editor-cinematographers submit finished products (including footage they might have to shoot themselves, like establishing shots, inserts, or just pretty scenery) (again, submissions by posting and dropping a link before post payout of the previous announcement).
  6. Everyone NOW in the Over 20 Club gets to vote on their favorite (same method as before). Winner gets 25SBD.

There'd be some legalese in each step that both protects the rights of the submitters and @freewritehouse. Also, I'd be happy to write some best tips and practices for each stage (especially for people submitting performances, they should submit some different angles of themselves doing it so the editors have something to work with... not too much, though, as it should still be pretty quick and dirty.)

That is a very interesting contest which really needs some money and some preparation. But it could be a lot of fun!!!

It'd be so much fun! And could be quite the attention-getter.

I would be!!! Let's set a goal and work on it. Maybe we can cooperate with another group ( who is richer :) But let's work on growing this group and the income so we can fund contests like that...


My suggestion is for a Character Name Contest....OR...Unique Word Contest. Last August, I held 2 contests/giveaways. A cat name and dog name contest/giveaway. I wanted to know the name of their cats/dogs and why people chose that name. The cat/dog could be living, deceased, or a stray that they were caring for. Pictures were optional but most appreciated. Prizes were 8, 5 & 2-SBD randomly chosen by Steemwinner.

When doing a freewrite, it is difficult for me to come up with a unique name while writing so I write he or she and try to think of names after it is written. I would love to have a list of fun, interesting, and unique names to choose from.
1-Must upvote this post.
2-Only one entry per person.
3-By entering, you are giving permission for your name/word entry to be used by anyone in their writing.
4-Enter a name or word in any language and describe what the name/word means, and why you think it is unique, interesting, or fun. No common names please. Example: Malachite: It is a green mineral used to make ornamental objects. It is not a person's name but I think it would be an interesting character's name.
Prizes: (I think that more than one prize brings more entries.) There will be 3 prizes all randomly chosen by Steemwinner.

-1st Prize: One Steem Basic Income membership
-2nd prize: 2 SBD
-3rd prize: 1 SBD

Yes!!! A list of character names would be so helpful!! We need to get rid of "upvote this post". I know many do that - but it is against the rules 😳

You are in the "As Seen" contest

5 whatisnew

for SBI drawing 🤓

I only wrote "upvote this post" because that is the only way Steemwinner will know that you entered. I do like it being against the rules. Thanks for the entry. : )

I don't quite understand? Who is steemwinner? 🤓=mw

Here is the info: steemwinner.surge.sh The creator is @luigi-technologo. And I made a mistake. Only a comment is needed for the random generator "Steemwinner" to pick the winners, not an upvote. Hope this helps. : )

@theleapingkoala used to have a contest where you submitted a current post and people would upvote their favorite. Here's a screenshot of the contest post.


  1. "Share the Love Contest"
  2. Post with most # of upvotes wins 1st
  3. You must vote for at least 2 posts max 5 posts
  4. Winner/winners share post payout
  5. Voters should upvote winner's current post.

You are in the "As Seen" contest

6 wonderwop

and another entry to the SBI drawing!

I just landed on a contest posted by @thedarkhorse 2 days ago link that we could do named Pay it Forward Contest. (I am sure we can participate in his, too!)

It is a curation contest.

  • Contestants create a post with posts from 3 other members and comments what they like about the freewrite.

  • The curator selects writers at their rep level or below [I am 57, I can choose members 57 or below]

  • One member that is curated from the freewriters the curator was not previously following. You can follow and note what day you did <he said that follow dates can be confirmed?>

This will encourage more interaction in the group. He awards a with steembasic income shares 2 winners per contest.

  1. Write a review of the blogger and 1 of their most recent posts, link to the post

  2. Explain why this blogger was chosen and a summary of their post

  3. Make sure you have upvoted and commented on the post you link to for each of these bloggers

  4. Your post should also link to this post showing you are part of the contest.

What a fantastic idea!!! Now, we have to make lots of money so we can run all these contests!!!

Exactly! We need to grow our row!


The name for my contest is called

Unusual or Fascinating objects

  1. invite people to take a photograph of the most unusual or fascinating object around them at that precise moment and submit their entry in the comments below .
  2. Give the photo submitted a short discription
  3. The judges at @freewritehouse will decide which photo submitted is the most unusual or original each week.
  4. Prizes: 1st 3 SPD and 1 share in steem basic income, 2nd 2SPD, 3rd 1SPD
  5. Monthly bonus prize of 2 SPD for the most interesting funny or entertaining photo, this is up to the judges decision.

That would be a great contest to also get visual prompts for the daily freewrite! And we do need pictures on the wall of the Freewrite House. Let's hope that we are at a place of income soon to support lots of prizes... You are in the original contest.

4 happysmileyman

for SBI raffle

My idea is based around commonalities amongst us all.

  1. "My favourite..." (everyday the title changes based on the topic)
  2. Everyday, you at freewritehouse pick an item, and have writers describe their favourite blank and why. The key is description and persuasion, so essentially they're trying to make their favourite, your favourite. For example, What's your favourite burger? beach? beer? scotch? wine? holiday spot? summer/winter activity? movie? book? pet? You get the idea ;) They can also include a personal anecdote if they have one as well. Perhaps the favourite burger was eaten on the night of a first date with a person who eventually became the spouse. Perhaps add a word count as well.
  3. You could be objective and use a random number generator to choose a winner, or have other contestants vote on their favorite and the winner is the person with the most votes. I've seen that before, but sometimes really good entries just don't have the followers to participate or others get all kinds of people to vote for them without even looking at the post. So maybe the 'judges' at freewritehouse can include their votes as 50%?

There's the general idea; hope you like it :)

  1. Winner gets the post payout or 1/2 and 1/2 to freewritehouse? I've just found @freewritehouse , so I'm not sure how you usually do this part.

Great idea!! How long would you run this contest for? And potential winners have to participate in all days?
The Freewrite House is still young and doesn't have much of an income. The first 2 weeks of the contests we did were founded by donations... Your entry is accepted for the original FH contest.

3 lynncoyle1

for the SBI drawing

Thank you!

I've had the general idea in my head forever, but haven't figured out all the details :)

I guess the contest could run as long as possible if the interest is there because there are an infinite number of 'topics'. I don't know that I'd run it daily though because it would become so overwhelming; maybe run it weekly giving 3 days for posting and then the other half of the week make it a condition that others must upvote and comment on their favourite and why; so commenting could be included in the criteria and the post payout would also increase. Then the prize money could come from that, with a portion going to The Freewrite House for future prizes?

I'm just throwing out all of my ideas here haha because truthfully, I hadn't thought it through this much!

I'm more than happy to hear your thoughts on it all at a later time too!

Thank you again ;)

  1. Our #freewritehouse garden photos

  2. Post a photo of something growing in your

  3. Pick a number between 1-100. Closest number (higher or lower) to the number drawn, by a random number generator, Wins. Ties split the prizes.

  4. Potential prizes are a share in Steem Basic Income or maybe delegated Steem Power for a month to help Planktons.

Good ideas!!! You are in and in and in LOL

2 wonderwop

for the drawing.....

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