Announcing: Prize Pool Club!

in #contest7 years ago

Everyone loves to win prizes and large sums of cash tends to be the favorite! But let's face the cold, hard, facts. Unless the contest/sweepstakes is being ran by a whale, chances are the prize will be reasonably small. Times are rough for almost everyone and few can afford to pay for a $400 prize (or more).

Let's change that!

Announcing the Prize Pool Building Club!

1 -- Two types of contests/sweeps.

A -- Daily Mini contests/sweeps, short, sweet and easy with a small prize decided by random number. (I will post your number in your comment/entry BEFORE the drawing.

B -- Big contests/sweeps that will require a little more effort but have MUCH larger prizes (10, 25, 50 or 100 SBD).

2 -- Daily accounting

In the post for the daily Mini contests/sweeps, I will include a full accouning of all SBD earned on every post. You can track my numbers just by looking at my Wallet History. I want everything to be open for everyone to see.

3 -- Division of SBD earnings

90% of ALL SBD earned from every mini-contest, update post and larger prize posts goes into the prize pool.

10% helps me have a little income too. My only income is the little bit I get from selling jewelry. I need to keep the
lights on just like everyone else.

5 Different Prize Pools?

The 90% of each post I make using the sotallcontest tag, will be divided as follow. (note: funds I earn from non-contest related post do NOT go into the prize pool. They help me buy seeds, pay postage costs etc., etc.)

  1. 10 SBD Pool receives 40% of the main pool. This could easily turn into a once a week or even a daily 10 SBD prize if the club becomes popular

  2. 25 SBD Pool receives 30% of the main pool. Highly possible for this to reach a weekly prize.

  3. 50 SBD Pool receives 15% of the main pool. Can we do this monthly? Only time will tell.

  4. 100 SBD Pool receives 10% of the main pool.

  5. Daily prize Pool receives 5% of the main pool.

Who can enter the contests?

Any member of Steemit can join, but keep in mind only the daily mini will be a sweepstakes. The main SBD prizes will a contest that requires a little more effort (like making a post). The vast majority of the subjects will be about the homesteading/survival/self sufficiency/foraging categories. Knowledge in these areas will always be a big plus in the larger prize contests.

Unlike the daily prize sweeps, the large prize contests will require some thought. We are looking for the best of the best. We'll be asking for your ideas on what to do or how to do something specific to the homesteading/survival/self sufficiency/foraging categories. Knowing little about these categories can be a hindrance to your chances of winning.

Todays Sweepstake Question

What is your favorite color!

How to Enter

Write your answer in a comment below.

What is the prize?


How is the winner chosen?

I will assign a number to each entry by commenting on your entry. When the post pays out, I will use a random number generator to choose a number. I will take a screen shot of the number and post it for everyone to see. The owner of that number wins the prize.

When to I get my winnings?

When the winner is announced.

Can the daily prize grow?

Yes, it all depends on how much incoming funds there are. Check the accounting to see where we stand/

Answer the following question in the comments below to enter

What is your favorite color?


Turquoise is my favorite color. This is the first time I have ran across your blog. I love contest I do quit a few myself!
Following to keep up!

My favorite color is yellow! It has to be a creamy and light shade like sunlight, not mustard or canary! It makes me smile and feel warm inside!

kiaraantonoviche you are # 1

Anything that reminds you of sunshine is a good thing to have in your life! wait Blue.......


My favourite color is. White
Symbolizes purity. I also like my home in white motiff as it is giving me calmness and light.
Thank you @fernowl13

my favrout color red and black

Is this common with the Steemit platform? - I'm all for people exploring these places, but this doesn't sound organic to me. - Regardless thanks for sharing. :)

Hmm, I am not seeing the tag ORGANIC anywhere in the list. Now if you are talking about homesteading, foraging and such, if you read the actual post (almost all of my posts for that matter), you will find almost everything I do is to help people survive, prepare, be more self sufficient, etc. My posts are to help the exact categories I targeted in this post. I don't limit the entries to only members of the homesteading/survival communities, but they are the main people I do it for.

Should I go advertise in Bitcoin when I am trying to help homesteaders? I am just trying to figure out why you (obviously) and a few other people on Steemit seem to want to squeeze every tag into a finely defined set of topics you think is the only correct posts that should be a in topic. Your ORGANIC life may be a thousand miles away from someone who is just doing what they can do to make it through the day.

Don't get me wrong, I hate it when people try to advertise their upvotes for sale in an off category, but when you spend 10 to 15 hours a day, working trying to help people in what is a very small set of tags and you put the effort into designing something that is nothing more than an advanced version of what MANY other people are doing every day, having a newbie with only one post complain... I admit, it sort of rubs me wrong.

Now, if you are are asking if people in the homesteading/survival categories do contests, sweeps and such on a regular basis, YES. They do. Very few people are rich enough to buy the land, tools, buildings, etc., etc. to survive on and many of us use the system Steemit gives us to help EACH OTHER accomplish our own individual goals.

@fernowl13 I'm sorry if my post left a bad taste in your mouth. I'm fairly new, and still learning about the platform. I can see that you do work very hard to accomplish your own goals. I appreciate you sharing your view on the platform, and about your own community. I really do apologize if I have upset you, and hope the best for your contest. :) edit. Alot of your videos actually look very helpful, and educational I'll have to look at a few in my spare time.

I can appreciate where you are coming from. I am sorry for coming down on you so hard. I actually just spent over 4 hours writing that post and the very first comment seemed much like being slapped in the face. Not a good excuse, but I am trying to be honest with you.

There are a few people here, just like in real life that are completely obnoxious. But, the vast majority are good people and are attracted to Steemit, not just to make money, but because it allows us to help others without spending money we really don't have. It's like finally after 60 years on this earth, I can help people in ways I never dreamed possible.

I am limited in my ability to help myself or anyone else out here in the real world due to a catastrophic injury over 10 years ago and losing over half my vision. Steemit gave me my voice again. It is allowing me to be a useful part of society and help others using the knowledge I attained over my lifetime.

Why don't we wipe the slate clean and start over.

Hi @bunlogic. My name is Denise but I actually prefer the name FernOwl. It was given to me by my grandfather. I have been close to the earth most of my life. Working on my grandparents farm, then gardening after I was out on my own. I have studied herbs, foraging and surviving (thanks to my husband who was a Marine), most of my life and it is that knowledge I now share.

Have a GREAT day

Great to meet you Fernowl! I feel terrible of how I made you felt. Your post is very professionally done, and I'm truly inspired on how you're using Steemit to accomplish what your passion about. We can all learn a thing or two from you : ).

We are a team of five, two humans, two cats, and our leader, the rabbit-bun. We are looking to share our knowledge with technical analysis, animal volunteering, and vegan food recipes/cooking/baking. Have yourself a good day, and looking forward to see your future post.

Wow, if I count the animals, there are 10 of us here. 4 cats, 3 dogs, my son and DIL and me. Plus we are far enough away from the city that we get all sorts of critters, big and small.

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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74