
Oooh they are GREAT. I like @erunes but the words on the banner need to change. Love the logo though. Love @ewalkers blossom mandela too. A hard choice!

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Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

I love the logo that made @gade4rt for this excellent contest <3 As a graphic designer, I can assure that the logo perfectly transmits the elements of nature through the colors that she used, likewise, also for the use of the petroglyphs in the typography for the logo, together with the sun and the leaves that make a perfect balance in the concept of this proposal for the graphic image of @EarthTribe.

I also loved the separator that she made, leaving the logo in a single color which makes a good contrast with the geometrical figures that have the logo around them.

I hope that she is among the winners and a lot of success to all the participants ^^ Regards @elamental

All the logo proposals are very good but my favorites are the logo of @gade4rt & the logo of @crittercrats since both logo proposals are very unique. @gade4rt for using the petroglyphs with elements and colors of nature as the fundamental basis of their concept and @crittercrats for adding a mask or face to the planet earth, together with elements of nature. I hope both are among the winners.

I love the design of @erune I think it is the one that most represents the Community. A hug!

In my opinion Erune's design is the best i see. Cya around!

To be fair, all designs were awesome, but im more inclined towards @erune 's design, it's blue, but it radiates energy and joy. Good vibes!

the design of @erune it's my 1st choice, the planet earth in to a logo represent exactly the comunity name , however I can remember a little the majora mask with the design of crittercrats

I really like the one from @erune that complies with what is established, it is nice and fresh. He deserves to win for his effort. Successes!

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