Why I Don't Give Up - In 70 Words

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Understanding our promise to a higher being is a powerful reality. Even if human life has never been kind, there is no other choice but to move forward, and stay motivated. Discerning that there is more joy than pain in this world, and that this life is a short one is encouragement to not give up. Creator is Love, and that is the ultimate lesson. To love and be loved.


To join this wonderful contest with the chicken @iamthegray (oh, I meant the GrayPhoenix), click here.

I found this contest by perusing the daily list generated by @moneyinfant.

Image Source: 1.




Thank you kindly for sharing these words. :c)

It helps to remind us that giving up is always a choice... and that sometimes there are things more worth fighting for than giving up upon.

My dearest PathPoet, how are you? My thoughts are never far away from thinking about you. I hope you are well and in good health.

Many blessings to you dear one.


Worry not - my life has grown a little less simple but I shall be fine nonetheless. ;c)

My health is also doing fine and I do trust that all is well with you. If not then I'd hope for a quick resolution. ^_^

Big hugs.

I’m glad to hear you are well! All fine this way too.

Big hugs back

I needed the environment but lately my days have started in pain and ending in exhausted agony. I feel like Sisyphus pushing a rock except in my case it's a 2x8 500ft long and another truck showed up with more of them.

Sisyphus!! Buaahahha Mah Poor Man!! I can't imagine the feeling as you are done and a huge truck comes by! WTH

This is beautiful. I feel tempted to take some of your lines and develop them into a poem

Until, of course, I spotted the chicken....


you better NOT take any of my lines ... only the chicken part ... buahahahaha


Discerning that there is more joy than pain in this world, and that this life is a short one is encouragement to not give up.

Exactly. At times, best not to focus on what makes it bad or sad.

Thanks for spreading some inspiration ES. ^^ Mwahx.

Yes better to focus on the positive! Thank you so much.


Every effort undertaken there must have been a challenge. When words succumb to the ending, then all the effort that's been living will is meaningless. keep resorting because we run every effort the Lord will give way to ease her.

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