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RE: Does Anyone Want To Help With A Contest For Minnows And Newbies?

in #contest6 years ago

minnownewbiepalooza good.gif

Hey Gillian, we are getting ready to launch, are you still in? If so, just let me or @simplymike know and we will include you! This is the header and the game will be out very soon... if you want me to send you the copy of for the rules I will send them to you on discord. It should be very simple to play as we want to reach as many minnows and newbies as possible.

Here's how people can help:

  2. promote the game in servers/posts/direct messaging
  3. donations of:

steem monster cards/steem monster packs/
dustsweeper starter packs (0.25 sbd each for a $0.50 upvote package)
anything else you want to donate

We should be live tomorrow or the next day at the latest! :)


I think I'm still in @davemccoy.

Can you send me a copy of the rules on Discord so I can get a better idea of what you need. I am currently upvoting minnows in the minnow uprising thing. So will have fewer upvotes available than usual this month.

Anyway. I'm in if I can be. Let me know what you need.


yes I will do that Gillian! thank you :)

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