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RE: Exciting News! I'll Be a Judge on Steemit's "Share the Love" Contest! Enter to win 50 SBD or More.

in #contest7 years ago

I nominate @lyndsaybowes ...
She is always posting fantastic things about her life. Her life plus her friends and family's life. I'm certain they are all on here because of her. She interacts with people who leave meaningful comments. She's started her own tag #walkwithme which she always responds to.. I'm trying to start my own tag #morningbowl and realizing how difficult it is just to do the post EVERY day... I don't know how many days she's on now but the initial commitment was a month.. that's a lot of days and a lot of dedication.. all while continuing to post fantastic articles and stories under other tags... name the chicken contest.. great idea... I was so happy for her in a post where she paid her energy bill with Steemit.. glad to see her succeed and yet still be a down to earth person... we need more like her. A true inspiration.


Hi @davedickeyyall! Thank you so much for including such a thoughtful submission. I don’t think Ive run across @lyndsaybowes yet, so thanks for the introduction! I have seen the walk with me tag, and so that’s cool to meet the person who started it.

In order to enter the contest, please go to the original contest post. Here’s the link.

Simply copy and paste your comment over there in order to be part of the contest. :-) Best of luck to you!

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