#random Games Week 7 - My failed attempt at Wingdinglish ...

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Here's my entry for the secret alphabet contest, aka Windinglish. Thank you, @kristyglas, for organising this creative activity.

I am afraid I deviated from the brief. I started by writing my usual 'English' alphabet (not the Welsh one which would have 'dd' and 'll', or the Spanish one which would have 'ñ'). I left a blank gap below for the symbol and then I started with the ‘knitting needles’... it went downhill from there.

So, it’s not a completely alien language / set of characters … it’s just a code : tea cup, cup cake, knitting needles, needles, bird, leaf, dog...avocado and insect… There’s no correlation between what we know of the item and the letter. What I mean is that in any case ‘cup’ should be for the letter ‘C’, but that would be too easy…

These are actually some of my favourite things, but I did not include a llama for some strange reason. It was to be the full stop.

I did write a message using it below… can you guess ?

all photos by @cryptocariad


Yep. I can read it @cryptocariad. But I won't spoil it for those who follow by writing it here. 😊

You always seem to find the most unusual challenges!

Have a fun day!

Thank you @gillianpearce... I take that as a compliment 😂...
I hope you too have a fun day - it's been raining slightly ...
-- I've updated this one because two comments looked a bit strange... sorry

It was most definitely a compliment @cryptocariad. 😍

Rain? What's that? 😂

maybe we should do a slow reveal...
very creative. like hieroglyphics almost. My son is into cryptography and that all starts with replacement codes. Fun post :)

Hello, and thank you @steven-patrick... is your son on steemit? It would be interesting to learn more about cryptography...

Sorry he is not on Steemit

Sweet!! It really brings back nostalgia ^-^ at a first glance the alphabet looked a lot like Artemis Fowl, but it isn't. I like how you personalized it and i hope you add that llama :D
My favorite letters are O and @ ^^
Congrats on completion ;)

Thank you very much @kristyglas 😍... It was a very enjoyable activity.
... I must really sharpen my pencil :D

Boy that's wingdingy, must have taken forever to draw, good job.
I can read it but it took me forever xD

Thank you @ivan-g... I did in my usual haphazard way 😁 ... I started with the 'knitting needles' and then my favourite things : having cups of tea, learning about leaves and insects, checking the sheep, admiring my yarn and books ... 'all my favourite things' ...

It did its job if it took you forever 😁

So cool! You drew every letter! It is very amazing!

😍 Thank you @marblely... and while I was drawing them I was thinking that they could also be embroidered :D

Ooo yes, that would be a good idea :)

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