The latest innovation from formula one car

in #contest7 years ago


Seiring dengan berkembang nya olahraga Formula Satu, disingkat F1 (atau bernama lengkap FIA Formula One World Championship), adalah kelas balapan mobil formula tempat duduk tunggal yang tertinggi. Terdiri dari sejumlah seri balapan yang dikenal dengan istilah Grand Prix.

Formula Satu berakar pada seri grand prix motor Eropa pada sekitar 1920-an dan 1930-an. Sejumlah organisasi balap grand prix membuat sejumlah aturan untuk kejuaraan dunia sebelum Perang Dunia II. Dengan alasan penundaan karena perang, kejuaraan dunia pembalap tidak diformalkan sampai 1947 dan berlangsung untuk pertama kalinya pada 1950. Kejuaraan dunia konstruktor kemudian menyusul pada 1958. Balapan Formula Satu tanpa gelar diselenggarakan bertahun-tahun, tetapi dikarenakan membengkaknya biaya kompetisi mengakibatkan kompetisi ini berakhir pada awal 1980-an.

Along with its growing Formula One sport, abbreviated as F1 (or full name FIA ​​Formula One World Championship), it is the highest single-seat race car race class. Consists of a series of races known as the Grand Prix.

Formula One was rooted in the European motor grand prix series in the 1920s and 1930s. A number of grand prix racing organizations made a number of rules for the world championship before World War II. By reason of the postponement of the war, the drivers 'world championship was not formalized until 1947 and took place for the first time in 1950. The constructors' world championship then followed in 1958. Formula One racing without title was held for many years, but due to the swelling of competition costs resulted in the competition ending early 1980s.

Kebangkitan mulai terjadi di tahun 1981 dengan muncul nya berbagai inovasi mobil terbaru dari marcedes, mclaren, ferrari, red bull dan renault semakin menambah persaingan ketat di lintasan balap. Belum lagi hadirnya pembalap-pembalap muda semisal Michael Schumacher, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton, dan Sebastian Vettel yang bolak balik naik podium menjadikan Nama olahraga ini, Formula Satu, mengindikasikan bahwa ini merupakan olahraga yang paling maju dan kompetitif di antara balapan mobil formula lain.

The revival began in 1981 with the emergence of new car innovations from marcedes, mclaren, ferrari, red bull and renault increasingly adding to the tough competition on the track. Not to mention the presence of young drivers such as Michael Schumacher, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton, and Sebastian Vettel are back and forth on the podium to make this sporting name, Formula One, indicates that this is the most advanced and competitive sports race among other formula cars.

by casto


Fabilous post,
and content and I flw you plz flw me .

Wow, what a flashback, that picture was me as a kid 60+ years ago, but I was driving a tram. (Not sure why I thought a tram had a steering wheel).

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