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RE: Friday Freewrite Favorites - Week 5/22/2019

in #contest5 years ago

FINALLY, I managed to log into Freewritehouse and post from there - then closed it out, then realized I'd forgotten to do the @freewritehouse upvote on every post. @Mariannewest if you want me to do it tomorrow I will. But at least I finally jumped through the hurdle of posting from an account other than my own. I've gotta hand it to all those who regularly participate and actively do things in support of this group. This is just a few hours a week, and I could make it go faster. I could. I should. I will. Paperwork, dotting every i and crossing every t, has just never come easy for me. Thank you, huge thanks, to all of you who do this stuff all the time!!


good job!!! Thank you so much! If you can go back in and do the upvotes, that would be great! if you can't, let me know and I will get to it.
If you go back in, would you take out the Line in the Title "Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite" - people might think that this is the post to leave the recommendations. Freewrite Favorites is good enough :)

Thank you and big hugs!!


Thank you for being so patient with me. You'll be shocked to hear that it took me a couple tries to get the slider to work. Turns out I had to check the box "keep me logged in" before the option showed up. Ohhhh the things I don't know in advance and slowly come to grasp.... now it's approaching midnight, and I never did write any fiction today, or any day except Monday this week -- but boy did I pull a lot of weeds! I'm glad none of you can see my blackened nailbeds (yes, I should wear gloves more often, but not when thinning flowers). Someday I will get caught up on things. Someday!

Not shocked at all. That happened to me too 😂

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