Steemian Carnival CONTEST / CONTEST Carnevale Steemiano

in #contest7 years ago


Steemian Carnival CONTEST

Hello dear friends,
this is my mask with which I participate in the @camomilla contest.
I didn't have photos of other carnivals, having always only thought about celebrating; -D.... so I decided to make my own mask for this year's carnival.
I bought a mask without decorations and painted it with blue acrylic as you can see in the picture below.

CONTEST Carnevale Steemiano

Ciao cari amici,
questa è la mia machera con la quale partecipo al contest di @camomilla.
Non avevo a portata di mano delle foto di altri carnevali, avendo sempre solo pensato a festeggiare ;-D....così ho deciso di fare la mia propria maschera per il carnevale di quest'anno.
Ho comprato una maschera senza decorazioni e l' ho dipinta con l'acrilico blu come potete vedere nella foto sottostante.


After drying out I gave a bit of spray pinted rose , and as a mask I used some lace.

Dopo esser asciugata ho dato una mano di rosa con la bomboletta, e come mascherina ho utilizzato qualche resto di pizzo.


Then I glueed the glittering stones...

Poi ho attaccato i brillantini...


and I finished it with a black felt-tip pen and other little glitter, and here's the result!

e l' ho finita con l'indelebile nero e altri brillantini piccoli, ed ecco il risultato!


Hope that you like my mask and I hope to have fun with it this carnival :-D.... Thanks for following me ;-)))

Spero che la mia maschera vi piaccia e speriamo che ci passerò un bel carnevale:-D.... Grazie a tutti per seguirmi ;-)))


woawww.... are You mariad? I'd love to be married with you. You are Perfeckt.

I'm not married, we can make a platonic Steemwedding ;-))))

You thinking me . Enough for me. I love you... My Bayby.....

J'espère que tu remporteras le prix :)

Trop gentil, merci beaucoup !!!! ;-))))

you are so beatyfull .... ı want you

you are my dream

can you live in istanbul./ turkey
I want to die with you. And I want to life with you...

Ciao @carolineschell, bella foto con la maschera. :)

Ti ringrazio molto!!!! :-D

Ma dai, bravissima! Super creativa :)

Grazie mille ;-)))

Davvero molto bella, complimenti!

Grazie di cuore ;-))))

Nice! They are your recurring colours. The blue is for sure.

Thank you very much, what are recurring colours?

They are colours you use a lot in your work. Perhaps I am mistaken but blue is one I seem to remember you use frequently, as a background. Almost like a consistent feature of yours. Perhaps though it's just my personal perception.

Yes you are right!!!! Buon osservatore e quanto sei attento!!!! I use more cold colours as backround for evidencing more the warm colour of the subjects skin ;-D

Adorable photo!
making such masks is a great idea - would want to try this also. Doesn't always have to be a flat canvas.
I went to a opening on Monday with Vesna's work (and Robert's collection) at the Otto Bauer restaurant, and the stuff that intrigued me most were her painted rocks! We were talking and then I friended the owner on Facebook. The place is really great, and he is open to suggestions for exhibitions. When are you coming? Maybe the exhibition is still up.

Super! Komme am 30sten Januar, freu mich schon;-D

nice! i like them, they look so mysterious §

Thank you soooo much ;-D

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