in #contest5 years ago


I have practiced this afternoon after i looked up the old lace my grandma left me in a little cigar box. I used a flashlight and it was a bit off a struggle.


This is my best one and the photo entry this week;


These are the other ones:



I had fun experimenting and fun to use something old, something new and i also have something lacey blue !


Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
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Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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Member off the #steemitmamas #steemterminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord @ brittandjosie3488

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog.

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Congratulations @brittandjosie! Your post has been placed in the spotlight for this week's @NeedleWorkMonday Featured Posts! Thank you for your quality post and for being a part of the needlework community!

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Thank you so much

What a great idea to do lace shadows, they are so pretty! I like all of the images! Best wishes in the contest :)

Thanks I hope it’s good enough

what the lacey is, google cant tell me. I should rely on my eyes, what I see in this post. it is it?

Its lace or lado in Spanish its the fine broderie work do you know what i mean. The lace photography is hard!!!

a-a, lace is another word -- this time google did the job for me. will add it to my vocabulary. I never shoot it, and rarely shoot knitting, did a few times on my wife requests :P

i think it might be not an easy task, yeah.. to make it look coo1 in the shots..

I won the last challenge of bookshadows that was hard too but i finally succeeded

Lovely shadows, I should try that with some of the stuff I inherited! Thanks for the idea.

This was from my aunt aswell so the pictures are extra special

Beautiful @brittandjosie !
Those lace motifs are really adorable, could look lovely on some dress :D

I didnt think of the option to put it on a piece of clothing but the idea is great

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