CONTEST TIME!!! Who Created The Best Universe?!? WIN Liquid Steem!!!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Read Below For Contest Info

Okay...I thought this would be a good piece to get people talking and get that tasty engagement flowing. Speaking of which I’ve been bad this week in my replies. I will be getting to everything and replying to the comments I’m fortunate to receive either late tonight or early tomorrow. Promise!!! Been an absolutely nutty ass week!!!

But for the meantime, let me know your thoughts here and why!!! I saw this on FB and there are tons of interesting discussions happening regarding this so let’s bring that nerdy ass fun here.



  • Comment Below With Your 1 Pick & State Your Case

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  • Upvotes Not Necessary But Much Appreciated

That’s It!!!

2 Winners will be chosen by my 2 kids (1 each) shortly after 7 days. I will have them read the responses and choose what they feel is the best entry based off your argument! Sell it well!!!

Both winners will receive 10 Steem each!!! If more gets added to the prize pool by any good samaritans, it will be evenly split!

Once post payout is complete there will be no more entries accepted!

If interested in adding to the prize pool, shoot it my way with a memo stating so.

Prize Pool
20 Steem - @blewitt

Have fun!!! I look forward to reading all the entries!!!


You just received a 100% upvote from @rewards-pool. Thank You for being apart of the @rewards-pool community

I will go with Tolkien as the main instigator of a genre. The universe is relatively simple but once the other factors like language and lore is brought into the equation, it is a masterpiece considering its time.

Will have to agree with you on this one despite my current obsession with Game of Thrones; there would be no GoT without this one.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Where do I even begin. I loved Matrix (especially with The Animatrix backstories about the creation of Matrix and other related stories) I'm a huge fan of Ender's Game. Discworld by Terry Pratchett is amazing:

One Piece had a great and very complex world with massive history and geopolitics that could easily put Dragonball to shame:

But if you really need to have a taste of a universe, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann where a birth of a new universe s an actual attack used by the final boss. This is a massive spoiler. Enjoy at your own risk:

I’m going with George Lucas - Star Wars, the only good reason is because I grew up with the films and they just became an obsession in my life.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Tolkien, hands down. He created entire languages and lengthy ancestries in addition to middle Earth and all of it's inhabitants. Comedy, drama, horror, suspense, romance are all found within his books. His books have enthralled generations and inspired uncountable other fantasy stories. I cannot even fathom creating what he did from scratch.

The ONE and ONLY answer ist


for his vision of a positive human future, which we cannot recognize today at all.

I would say, Roddenberry's Star Trek universe. Especially its model for the human race: no more wars, no decisions led by greed, no starvation and so on. Everybody can take the profession he wants and be creative.
A great vision - and still a long way to go for us...

Okay I’m not entering the contest. I’m just here to give applause! Everyone has a “nutty ass week” sometimes. A true leader pushes past it, as you have, @blewitt! Good job making stuff happen anyway!

Much love to you my dear. ❤️

Much love back, my friend! ❤️

Posted using Partiko iOS

All right, brother, I'm gonna weigh in here. The greatest has definitely got to be Tolkien. While others have taken the reins and expanded the universes of Star Trek, Star Wars, and Marvel (much love to Stan the Man, he was my 2nd pick), Tolkien built the whole of his universe including multiple languages, and he did so in an age that required pure imagination. He crafted his universe using words and drew the readers in with those same words, enticing us to want to journey with Bilbo and the Dwarves to steal back the treasure from Smaug. Tolkien expanded his universe on his own, with no agenda of making bank from it, per se, but rather looking to entertain, delight, educate, and enthrall his audience. He was a wise man and he knew how to tell a story of good and evil, how to craft the words together, and he did all of that on his own. He also maintained a proper series "bible" and was consistent in all that he wrote, not expounding on or expanding after the fact with little tidbits like Harry Potter does, or having some inherent contradictions as found in Star Trek, or have an expanded universe that was canon and is no longer canon as is with Star Wars. His ideas are unique and contain within them the spirit of the human quest, unlike the sanitized fairy tales of Disney (read some of the original fairy tales, there are few happy endings in them). Tolkien established the fantasy genre to allow for the creation of things such as Dungeons and Dragons, and even giving way to George R. R. Martin's work. What remains is Pokémon and Dragonball, and while Pokémon can range from adorable to wicked, that universe lacks the character-driven stories and the depth of lore. And Dragonball... I'm reasonably certain that the whole of the DB/DBZ universe is based on a combination of acid trip and constipation - talking animals, aliens, and the fact that Dragonball and Dragonball Z are massive departures from each other, toss in the absurd martial arts training in gravity that should crush a human being into paté, and have you seen those guys try to power up in DBZ...?

tl;dr - Tolkien for the win!

Dear @blewitt

I'm not familiar with the topic so I cannot really contribute much with my comment. Allow me only to give you small suggestion.

It's best to use to distribute prize between those who are engaging here. Did you ever use that tool? You will like it.


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