If I Could Turn Back the Hands of TimesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest7 years ago

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In lure with the STEEMIT VIRUS CONTEST #6; Awarding Creativity ;
Here is my entry :

Seeing him misbehaving after getting drunk,i couldn't stop thinking about what happened to me years back after getting drunk, so I moved closer to him and took him home to "sleep it off" so that he won't make a mistake he will regret for the rest of his life just like I do. The next day when he woke up, he thanked me for helping him out and explained how a lady left him for a rich man, I smiled and told him to be thanking his stars since it is just the fact that he was jilted by a lady, I prepared breakfast for him and after serving him we started eating. During the meal he said he noticed the pictures in the house; pictures I took with my wife years back. I dropped the spoon in my hand and tears started streaming from my eyes, my mood changed and I came to a "state of bitterness". He was not happy with himself because he brought up a discussion that I was not ready to go into. He moved closer to me and consoled me telling me to let out my sorrow by explaining the ordeal to him; that all I need is someone to talk to. I summoned my courage and narrated what happened twenty (20) years ago to him.

Catherine and I were married for five (5) years but the fire of love still continue to burn in our hearts. She called me "my crown" and I called her "desire" because she had everything I needed in a woman. We could ever reffered to as the best couple on planet earth. We did everything in common; put on the same clothe cooked together in the kitchen, washed together, took care of our only son together. In short our love changed our physical look making us look alike.
The love we had for each other made all who know us to come around our house seeking counselling on how to have a happy and peaceful family since no one had ever seen us fight nor argued, we were always happy and friendly to each other. To some of our neighbors we were counsellors, to some we were mentor and models and to the rest we were a source of encouragement.
We strengthened and fostered our unity by going out together after closing each day at our different work places, we went to cinemas, restaurants and took leave at the same time at work so that we could spend the precious time we had together going for tours, excursions and the likes.
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Even though I was the man of the house, I respected her a lot believing that she was the "strong pillar" that held our family. She was tolerating and accomodating making ife easier for a choleric like me. Each time I get angry due to my nature, she calms down my nerves being a phlegmatic with her smiles and her warming hug which cannot be compared to any other. I always say to myself that I haven't found a wife alone, but I have also found joy which has no end.

Her ardent and undying love for me made me excel more than my colleagues at work since I never got depressed and had nothing to make me feel sad. I always go to work with smiles on my face and my shoulders high after receiving a kiss from her which I reffered to as "my good luck charm".

All I ever thought was that this relationship will have no sorrow not to talk of end until the day I got drunk at a friends party though I was forced. I was not used to alcohol cos I don't take it, and it happened that i got drunk that day and went home staggering all around. On getting home I vomited in the house and went to sleep after I had an hangover.

The next morning was the day we planned to go for an excursion, she woke up early, cleaned the house prepared our meal and tidied up my clothes since I vomited on them a night before. She then wake me up to freshen up with her lovely smile. I got up still not getting myself, went to the bathroom and took my bath, brushed my teeth. All this I did unconsciously because my mind was still not clear. After eating I staggered to my Toyota Rav 4 car and put it into ignition, it was then I realized the engine oil was low. Having experience of how to change a car oil, I drained the oil in it without putting on my jump suit and poured a new oil in to the car though half of it poured away since my hands were shaking.

I took the used oil out of the garage to the backyard so as to dispose it off with my feet trying to get a grip of the ground. My wife saw me with my clothes dirty so she tried moving closer to me laughing to collect the oil so that I could go back inside and change, but all I could see was a demon making jest of me since the intoxicating effect of the alcohol was still affecting me. So I reached for a garden knife and dabbed it into the "supposed demon", behold it was my lovely desire. She fell to the ground like an elephant holding the garden knife with her hands, gasping for breath, her eyes that knew only love was filled with hatred as hey cried for help, she started shaking blood gushing out from her as she was struggling. My eyes became wide open and I realised what was going on, but it was too late. Though she fought death for like 10 seconds, she couldn't keep up with the struggle as she gave up the ghost. I knelt down and tears of sorrow filled my eyes dropping to the ground and covering it up like a mighty ocean, I was unable to move, wallowing in pain and in agony looking at my palm filled with used oil. Series of thoughts came to my mind; I thought abut the good times we spent together, the love she showed me, how I promised not to ever hurt her in my life. Who or what should I blame; the alcohol I took?, or the friends that go me drunk?, the car that I had to change the oil? or the oil I changed that stained my clothes and my hands???.
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I stood still not moving till the police came around and arrested me, I was charged to court,was sentenced to ten (10) years imprisonment and my little boy was taken away from me. Up to this day I haven't set my eyes on him.

Well young man that is my story, so ever since the occurrence of that event, I have promised to advice people mostly young men that drink too much of alcohol to desist from such act as it can destroy ones life.

An it definitely gets hand dirt especially to the married ones, It certainly destroys a lot of thing

Thank you



An amazing story i must say
So nice of him to prevent others from making same mistake

I am glad you can devote your time to writing. You got a tip from me.

Thanks, I really appreciate

And I must say special thanks to the one who has been guiding me @olanrewaju

He is a good man

Oh I didn't see this on time
Am flattered, thanks for the compliment.
We are into this together

What a can can van another can can can it better

You can do more @benedicamillius

Thanks for always being a source of motivation

I hope sir .. that you have learnt something . I hope sir that your son is okay .. can you visit him ? God bless

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