Sharing Society $1,000 Holiday Contest: My Family's Small Contribution to Helping the Homeless

in #contest7 years ago

As beautiful as this picture is, the reality is that weather like this can be dangerous. It can be deadly when you are among the over half a million people who are living on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters in the United States. Where other's might see beauty, the homeless see another night freezing while sleeping in a random doorway.

Some, if they are lucky, have blankets or sleeping bags to try to ward off the cold.

Others don't even have this luxury. Without a blanket or even a coat, they are completely exposed to the elements.

I know that we can't save the world but each of us can do our part to make a difference.

If you need incentive to help your fellow man, here is a little incentive. Recently, sponsored a contest calling on each of us to demonstrate some form of helping in your community this holiday season.


The suggested the following ways to help:

Providing warm clothes for homeless in need
Donating to your local shelter
Shoveling snow in dangerous roads if you're in a snowy region
Buy/Donate/Wrapping gifts for less fortunate families for Christmas
Picking up trash in busy or dirty areas of your city
Donating fresh produce to soup kitches, community members etc.
Sharing your house, christmas meal or gifts with someone less fortunate
Giving away random acts of kindness (small gifts, hugs, well wishes) to people in public

My husband and I gathered several gently used coats, jackets and suits from our closet. We decided that these items could be better used. So we decided to donate them to a local charity.

Dorcas Ministries is a local charity that has a wonderful 50 year history of helping those who need a helping hand. They help the community with food, housing, clothing and medical needs.

Deuteronomy 15:11 “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’”

Read more:

Until tomorrow, all the best my fellow Steemians!

Hi, I'm Benita G. You may also know me as, or call me, @AtMemesTable.

Hope you loved this post. Now, make me a happy girl and upvote my post and follow me.

I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you and to get to know you and you me. Check me out later! 'Cause you'd best believe that I'm going to be checking you out! Find me @AtMemesTable.

See you tomorrow!


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Rob :D good to meet you

Good to meet you too! Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! All the best!

Such a wonderful reminder that if we all do little things here and there it all adds up to make a huge difference to those who really need it! You have a lovely heart Benita!

Together, we can make a difference @plantstoplanks! Have a wonderful day.

That is really great. We donate all the time!

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