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RE: 露三点-送SBD游戏结果和新一期 | Show 3D win SBD game result & new round - 20180509 (by @ace108)

in #contest6 years ago

Prize paid out | 奖品送出

SBD Payout for 20180502 is 4.715 SBD

1.179 SBD to send to each of the following 4 winners:

20180425 奖励支出 4.715 SBD
该送出1.179 SBD 给以下赢家:
@janicechua, @aellly, @coder-bts, @peanut77

BUT I make a mistake with @aellly and sent steem instead of SBD. Base on the time I sent, the price of steem is 1.175603 SBD per steem which means steem equivalent should be 1.179 x 1.175603 = 1.386035937. So, I made out the difference with 0.207 steem. Sorry, 5:30am is too early to do this after 2 night of night classes.
但是我在@aellly上犯了一个错误,并且发送了steem而不是SBD。 根据我发送的时间,steem的价格是1.175603 SBD,这等于应该是1.179 x 1.175603 = 1.386035937。 所以,我加回0.207 steem。抱歉,早上5点半两晚夜校后做这

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 64252.58
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50