Analyzing & Fixing Mixed Content Error in WordPress

in #content4 years ago

Mixed Content Error in WordPress.jpg

WordPress is no perfection without an accountable Wordpress developer and a skilled digital marketer. The importance of digital marketing majorly resides in content marketing. Content is the king and the core foundation of WordPress. Content is never limited to your website’s blog. Your website’s navigation structure is also a form of content. It basically means information present in varied forms on your website, and it is essentially responsible for your website ranking on different online platforms. Google is a universal website ranking platform to which lots of website owners show their SEO interests. If you are planning to run a WordPress website you have to please Google.

Mixed Content Error can become a serious obstacle in your website development journey. The error triggers your website URLs and makes them vague in the eyes of Google crawlers. Your website pages & links are your website branches associating different sources of online traffic. Also, through these branches, Google studies your website information structure. Following the Google Chrome announcement in July 2018, Google wants every website URL to be secure for user access. The protocol is still active. Though Mixed Content Error is the problem web developers are still undergoing.

In this article, we’re trying to elaborate on the meaning of Mixed Content Errors and how you can fix them to save your website pages. We are a team of WordPress developers & content managers who often try to resolve emerging WordPress issues through the way of informative blogs, articles & personal conversations. So, let’s get started with our current topic.

What is Mixed Content Error?

The mixed content error usually takes place when you’ve registered your domain address as a secured HTTPS/SSL address, but some of your web pages still follow an HTTP URL. Which means your website is partially secured. To understand this you can go through a detailed illustration as follows:

  • Open your website URL and review your domain name on the top
  • On the extreme left of your website domain, you’ll see an icon
  • The icon varies from websites to websites
  • If the icon before your website URL represents an active lock, it means your website along with all your web pages is secured to access
  • If the icon shows an inactive (opened) lock, it means your website is completely insecure
  • If it shows a broken padlock that indicates “your connection to this site is not fully secured” it’s a Mixed Content Error.

It means some parts of content on your website aren’t considerable for secure accessibility and you have to fix it ahead of time. Google does not value website URLs like that and won’t let you lead the search engine results. To analyze web pages with errors we suggest you approach an Inspect Element Tool. Google Chrome provides a free open source inspect element tool that helps you easily access & edit the CSS & HTML files on your specified web page.

How to Analyse Mixed Content Error?

To analyze mixed content errors on your specified web pages you simply have to access the backend structure of the web page. As discussed above, you can do that with an inspect element tool. Here’s a step by step guide for detailed assistance:

  • First, you have to reach the inspection tool
  • Open the website URL you want to inspect
  • Now go to the top right corner, open the menu clicking the 3-dot icon shown vertically
  • Visit ‘More Tools’ & proceed to the ‘Developer Tool’ in the drop-down options
  • A box opens representing the CSS Panel, DOM Panel & Console Panel
  • The Mixed Content Error on your web page will be displayed as a warning on the Console Panel.

This way you can draw out Fixed Content Errors in your targeted web pages and conduct proper repair to wipe out the issue. In the approaching section of the post, we will discuss different ways through which you can fix your Mixed Content Errors. Stay with us!

How to Fix Your Website’s Mixed Content Error?

Mixed Content Error can vary from pages to pages. It doesn’t matter whether one or one thousand errors collectively contribute to your URL insecurity. As long as there is a single error associated with a single web page it could result into Mixed Content Error. However, fixing a couple of errors is not a big deal. You can simply approach the inspection element tool on Google Chrome to fix the same. But for a website filled with thousands of errors it can be very time consuming to go with Google Chrome. Infact the inspection element tool from Google provides for inspection or analysis alone.

To trigger errors in bulk, you’ve got the WordPress plugin support. One of the leading plugins we’d suggest is the SSL Insecure Content Fixer. The plugin is free to install and provides a user-friendly interface. The basic installation procedure remains the same. The application & effectiveness of plugin is distributed into 5 modules as follows:

1. Simple Module

If you’re a new user, you may like to go with the simple module. One of the leading features of this module is that it automatically vanishes your Mixed Content Errors associated with Media Liberary Images, Scripts & Stylesheets on your WordPress database. Some websites are often filled with these initial layers of errors and on the other edge, it is security.

2. Content Module

Moving ahead is the content part of your website. It is mostly available in writing and often contain irrelevant piece of information that Google considers insecure for the users. It could be a line against the governing bodies, a link to a bug or malware or an irrelevant advertisement. It can also be a text widget along with an image.

3. Widget Module

WordPress widgets are blocks with a small form of information that designers often attach to the website’s sidebars & footers. WordPress widgets are usually situated along with a small photo or GIF file to give an initial overview of the information. The SSL Insecure Content Fixer is capable enough to track down a minor bug out of your WordPress widgets.

4. Capturing Module

This module is fine enough to track down Mixed Content Errors from each of your web pages. However, it has some drawbacks. It is often slower than the other modules and essentially affects your website performance. You can switch to a maintenance mode amid the repair procedure. However, if your website is a new one and doesn’t have a broad database, you can go with this module.

5. Capturing All Module

If you find that you’ve failed across all the previous modules to fix your website’s insecurity bugs, you’ve got the ultimate solution. The capturing all module clean up everything unnecessary on your web pages & navigation menu.

Final Thoughts

Now you can check whether your website remains on the same URL status or get improved. After going through all these steps your website won’t be carrying any Mixed Content Error. Though you can approach expert advice in case a problem arise further. At SFWPExperts - a reputed Wordpress website design company, we try to find different alternative solutions to your WordPress development bugs. Hope this article contributes to a new chapter of your WordPress learning objective. If you have any queries, let us know!!

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