Secondlive - Diverse 3D virtual space‌ where you make your own content and profit from your creations.

in #contentlast year (edited)


About SecondLive

SecondLive is a totally helpful correspondence stage embedded with Metaverse features and various modernized stores to adjust their Metaverse easily. SecondLive is driving the way for their blockchain stage with Meta application store, P2P move, facial, room and spatial components really look at in expanded reenactment and NFT suitable stage. Name. The destiny of the Internet is the Metaverse. Get it with SecondLive. They increase the client's in the metaverse. SecondLive inside is for people who are looking for a phase. where it is plausible to make a metaverse application and the genuine application without creating code. There is moreover an opportunities for experienced engineers to make capable applications in the organic framework. In spite of the way that they have NFT store and neighborhood LIVE tokens.

SecondLive is committed to develop quality products

Any new errand ought to stand separated with surprising uncommon components to be significant for the rapidly creating GameFi industry. SecondLive sorts out this, therefore, is focusing in on making GameFi unmatched.

SecondLive through the binance not permanently set up to encourage quality GameFi that can satisfy current market rules. SecondLive in like manner wants to make a globally open Layer 2 GameFi climate.

SecondLive is a specialty stage for planners to make Metaverse and GameFi projects. In this manner, the idea of the endeavors will not be affected by SecondLive.


What is SecondLive NFT

The world of #NFTs has exploded recently, modifying how we mull over cutting edge ownership. SecondLive, a principal Metaverse stage, has in like manner focused on the NFT design, offering an outstanding opportunity for clients to guarantee and trade virtual assets inside the Metaverse.

SecondLive NFT, or non-fungible token, is a clever modernized asset that is minded a blockchain network. Unlike fungible tokens like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are viable, each SecondLive NFT is uncommon and can never be imitated or exchanged for another asset.

In SecondLive, NFTs can show up as virtual land, image embellishments, in-game things, and even experiences. These virtual assets can be bought, sold, and traded on the SecondLive business focus, giving clients one more level of ownership and control inside the Metaverse.


Why Join SecondLive World

There are various advantages to joining SecondLive world. In particular, it's where you can be whoever you ought to be. You can make your own picture and change it however much you could require, conveying your separation and inventiveness. You can meet individuals from any place the world, fostering your social affair of sidekicks and speaking with other people who share your propensities.

SecondLive additionally offers a degree of exercises that clients can partake in, like playing, making content, and totally completing express positions. Thusly, clients can get Bean tokens that can be separate for LIVE tokens, broadening their acquiring expected on the stage.

One more advantage of SecondLive is the vibe of neighborhood it creates. Clients can join get-togethers and associations that line up with their propensities, drawing in with equivalent people and building affiliations. It's where individuals can get together and bunch up, making a vibe of having a spot and reason.

Overall, is a world that offers tremendous likely outcomes and huge entrances for individual and social development. It's where you can act typically, band together with others, and acquire compensations for your assistance.


SecondLive Token Information Below:

The SecondLive Token, or $LIVE, is a BEP20 organization token that shapes the destiny of the climate and guides the usage of neighborhood. With a total supply of 1,000,000,000, $LIVE is assigned and opened by a predestined plan.

Catalyst tokens for client lead in SecondLive have a boundless reserve, and clients can obtain Beans through various means. The more powerful a Space is, the more Beans it produces, and clients can in like manner secure Beans from playing, talking, and embellishing their Space.

Clients can stake their Beans for $LIVE rewards, and SecondLive gives seven days by week assignment of $LIVE to the inspiration pool. The amount $LIVE in the pool is changed considering client improvement and DAO organization. Beans in the pool are singed, and clients can procure $LIVE pay through denoting their Beans.

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$LIVE Token Allocation

  • 20% for the gathering and advisors: This piece of tokens is put something aside for the SecondLive bunch and their specialists. These individuals will have a stake in the undertaking's thriving and are helped to seek after its turn of events and improvement.

  • 5% for public sale: somewhat level of tokens have been put something aside for public arrangement. This grants individuals past the SecondLive gathering and neighborhood put assets into the assignment and potentially benefit from its flourishing.

  • 25% for upholds and consultants: SecondLive has administered a colossal piece of its tokens for patrons and trained professionals. These individuals or affiliations will offer assistance, course, and resources for the SecondLive bunch, helping with ensuring the errand's thriving.

  • 15% for natural construction: This piece of tokens will be used for ecological turn of events, which integrates making and staying aware of the SecondLive climate. This consolidates funding for creative work, neighborhood, and various activities that help the somewhat long advancement of the endeavor.

  • 35% for the community: The greatest degree of tokens, 35%, has been alloted to the neighborhood. This consolidates individuals who add to the endeavor, similar to creators, directors, and clients. These individuals are supported to participate in the errand's turn of events and improvement utilizing tokens.



SecondLive stays a significant gadget for those attempting to explore virtual circumstances and point of interaction with comparable individuals from around the world. While it could as of now not be the dominating stage it used to be, it remains a brilliant decision for those wanting to communicate with others in a virtual world. Despite its declining client base, SecondLive stays an enthralling stage for the people who value blending, imagining, and examining virtual circumstances. It offers a novel and clear experience that can be gotten a kick out of by people of all ages and establishments.

For More Information about SecondLive

Google Play Store :
Apple store:


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