The world's first Distributed Secondary Content Platform

in #content6 years ago

Asobi Coin Review.png

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ASOBI Platform may be a blockchain battery-powered project that was created with the aim of creating offered a decentralized system or area for the aim of mercantilism varied digital contents and virtual assets like games, ebooks etc. and additionally one that enables the distribution of secondary content. Gamers should buy or supply in-amusement virtual things solely or through a diversion distributor. Asobimo likewise thought-about DApps that furnish a sent elective substance stage with "Decentralized Security System" (DSS). This blockchain platform will provide unquestionable verification of substance possession.

ASOBI system may be a platform for storing, updating, victimization and earning on distinctive digital content. ASOBI tokens management access to every material through a virtual platform, protected against repetition and different deceitful operations.

With Asobimo, user’s area unit assured of secured game item exchange, fair, and trendy marketplace for every kind of games and virtual merchandise. You to boot can have the capability to get and supply digital content, for instance, comics, game things and music that you just need to share with others. Asobimo to boot area unit desiring to build up the primary "Blockchain Game Association" with nations, for instance, China, Chosen and Taiwan, keeping in mind to push games and game things victimization blockchain technology. We tend to area unit desiring to get a lot of ASOBI COIN shoppers by providing bringing for ASOBI game users. Our company’s games have already numerous active users round the globe. We’ll introduce the likelihood to shop for and sell game things at our store. Blockchain can offer proof of possession of simple content.

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ASOBI Dapps This is a crucial element of the Asobi system because it makes offered AN avenue for sharing secondary content with the employment of decentralized Security System (DSS). This decentralized Security System is backed by the blockchain technology that advances its security as all transactions disbursed area unit tamper proof and recorded that successively helps function an incontestable proof of possession for various contents.

ASOBI Market

This is surroundings on the platform that's supported by blockchain technology wherever users have the chance to shop for virtual assets that area unit either new or used and this market is structured in such some way that the transacting of funds for these digital contents area unit safe, legit and sleek.

ASOBI pocketbook

This feature is unbroken in situ by the platform to facilitate the sales of varied digital contents like games, music, electronic books, and videos at a publisher or owner store. This additionally makes it doable for used contents to be resold by their homeowners at comparatively cheaper costs.

Profit bounties theme

Once the digital contents area unit sold or changed between homeowners and patrons, the platform mechanically sends the funds received from the transactions to the digital content owner through the employment of sensible contracts that has been integrated into the platform’s framework.

ASOBI system

Data storage and exchange ensue via the celestial body classification system (IPFS), a protocol that encrypts knowledge at the causation and receiving stage. This technique protects materials from hackers, random publications on the network, permits reselling game profiles and achievements (for example, RPG characters) for ABX tokens. The user solely has to register once to use variety of platform functions.

License Storage

Each content unit receives a novel ID, registered within the user's sensible contract and updated when writing. For instance, the author of AN e-book denote it on the ASOBI platform, users scan the primary version, so came the second edition of the book. A second symbol is formed, 2 versions of the book are offered within the system.

Item purchase

Users obtain ABX tokens, register on the platform, choose the content they have and sign a sensible contract to use it. For instance, AN ASOBI user desires the last season of Game of Thrones within the voice acting in Serbian. The user contributes the desired quantity of tokens, gets a license for looking at, and enjoys a high quality sound while not deed the platform.

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Item exchange

This is a tool for exchanging digital assets with tokens and sensible contracts. For instance, a user needs to exchange recent songs from iTunes for achievements within the Assassin's Creed game closely-held by another member. Exchange conditions area unit prescribed in an exceedingly sensible contract, there's an exchange of licenses to be used.



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Post By Anton De Mel
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