Would You Spend 5 Minutes to Complete a Survey? - I'd Love to Get Your Feedback on my Content so I can Improve!

in #content6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

I am trying something a little out of the box today. I create video content on a wide variety of topics ranging from music, to business, to mindfulness, food and more. I was thinking the other day how cool and helpful it would be for me to better understand which topics seem to resonate with people the most and provide the most value (even if it’s just entertainment value!).

So I’m throwing out a survey! It’s one thing to say “let me know if you have feedback” on the bottom of a post – but let’s face it, that’s not always the most comfortable way for people to give their thoughts. Here is a dedicated space that you can give feedback on what kinds of topics you like, don’t like, and provide some more general feedback as well.

Focusing on Flow and Inspiration

I try to always focus on following the flow of creative energy and making content from that space. That will remain my top priority with creating content, but it is still super helpful to understand what topics other’s seem to resonate with the most. After all, content creation is a mix of being a creative outlet for me, while also providing value to you. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive concepts.

What Do You Get Out of This?

I was originally thinking I would offer SBD or a vote or some kind of monetary prize to encourage people to fill out the survey. When I took a step back to think about it though… is my goal to get as many survey responses as I can?

I think when you incentivize a survey, you skew the results. It attracts a totally different crowd of people that will do anything for a quick buck. I would much rather get 4-5 results from people who actually follow my work, compared to 50 people who fill it out just because they want a prize. It would be awesome if there are more than 4-5 of you that fill it out, but I’d be happy with even a few responses!

So to answer your question, I’m hoping you’ll consider filling this out as a favor to me... and maybe you’ll see more of the content you like!

The Survey

Below is a Google Form link that you can fill out. It is pretty quick and should take less than 5 minutes to complete. The very last question asks for your Steemit username – but that is completely optional. If you would prefer to keep it anonymous, then feel free. If you would like to include your username though – I would really appreciate that because then I can personally thank you for taking the time to fill it out!

Survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSkHKEp2U2pFFSMgLK6RAonNd0ZZGwoXTH5VFgQetw2C4RzA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thank you!

I just want to say a quick moment to thank anyone who takes the time to fill this out! Even if you don’t – know that I appreciate every one of you. There are so many ways you could be spending your time, and you’ve chosen to be here with me, reading or watching this post.

Big love to all of you! <3

XO, Lea


▶️ DTube

You know, I wouldn't do this for just anyone! 😉 Seriously though, 5 minutes are precious for this multitasking mama, but you were so key in my start here on Steemit and you continue to inspire me so I'm happy to chime in!

aww THANK YOU for taking the time to fill this out and leave me some feedback! I know how busy you are with the kiddos, the homestead, steemit and whatever else you fill your time with! :) I really appreciate your thoughtful responses. <3

Hiya @coruscate I have just filled out your survey, I was honest with my answers as there is stuff that I love to watch and stuff that me personally finds not interesting. Other people will tell you how they feel and you will find a balance. there was nothing personal towards you with my answers, I just did as you asked. :D

Thank you SO much for taking the time to fill this out! It means so much to me. Honest answers is exactly what i'm looking for - so thanks for being willing to do that! <3

Really really creative and productive way to collect feedback for your channel and your good work so far !
Looking forward to see more here and of course to get some informations your research has brought to yoi in any of your further posts !

You are so awesome @tibfox!! Thank you SO much for taking the time to fill this out. The results have already been really insightful and I appreciate your feedback!

Done! I was as honest as possible. You are the only Dtuber I watch almost on a daily basis and also my favorite , so I spent more than 5 minutes on that survey, Good vibes for you Lea :D!

THANK YOU so much for taking the time to fill this out!!!

You are one of my favorites here on Steemit and so your feeback means a lot to me! :)

It's an honor for me to read that! <3


I did not write my name but i gave a hint :D

You are my favorite German follower!! hehe Thank you SO much for taking the time to fill this survey out!

really creative

Yes your all content just helpful for us and very informative actually you will improve in this platform and I want to that you overcome in this platform..
Keep it up and carry in your all activities..
Best of luck..

Yup you are very right. You are going to receive a positive response from us on this matter. I can feel that you are going to improve in this platform. Thanks for the helpful post and keep on improving @coruscate.

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