
It does provide jobs and it is a necessary evil, but I do hate what it does especially when it comes to elections. Instead of spending multimillions of dollars in advertising, why not use the money to fix up some broken neighborhoods or build parks or create programs for talented artists who have no real venue to create money where they are?

Social media will cover everything that gets done and they will still be able to participate in debates and travel, but the television ads and multiple signs and posters that amount to what I believe is wasted money could be used to actually help those who get lip service from those same politicians. Why not put the money where their mouth is? I know I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. Even if they were to lose, they would have tangible evidence of what they did to better many communities.

It kind of sickens me that both parties ask for money on tax returns. Regardless of your political stance, I don't think you will find too many people that feel either party spends money better than a six year old in a candy store with a candy store. Spend a lot and deal with the repercussions later.

Exactly!!! I'm surprised a politician hasn't used that angle. "Half of my campaign money has gone to rebuild XYZ city."

Far better use of money in my mind than case of Trump mugs or Hillary bumper stickers. It is almost laughable that these two are the best we had to nominate. A foolish secret keeper and a foot in his mouth bigot. Most other countries can sit back with some popcorn and enjoy the comedy of a catastrophe that this election is, but it's not so funny that one of these two will most likely be our figurehead.

I can't see a way that this election will turn anything around for the American people. It's picking a lesser of two evils unless Johnson gains more support and makes things interesting.

Yeah, It's been the lesser of two evils since 2004 in my opinion. Pretty sad. What I have learned (after stubbornly fighting it) is to learn the nonsensical rules and laws of these administrations and then work in a way that it benefits me.

Case and point. I posted an article here about the mutual funds industry and showed everyone how they can reduce the fees they are paying in their mutual funds/401(ks) by 1% based on newer rules and products and how that 1% adds up to over 100K over a your working career.

Of course no one freaking read it though. Ignorance is bliss I suppose :-)

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