Finally the Permit from the State has come through

in #construction7 years ago

Talk about an emotional day

I am so happy right now that I want to cry happy tears. For over a month we have been waiting for the state to issue a permit to the city so they could install our transformer and run electric lines across the street and then underground to the meter. Today we got the word that the city now has the Permit.

Waiting to hear back from the line supervisor

So now we are waiting to hear back from the line supervisor on when they are going to actually install the transformer and run the lines. Our electrician will be finishing his work this week. I am praying and hoping that the city some how performs a miracle and has their work also done by the end of the week at the very latest early next week. I know that is a big wish, but we are good people we deserve for something to go right finally on this build.

I am hoping this means we will be moving before February

I am seriously hoping that this means we will be moved by February. It would be really nice to be in our new house before my birthday next month. To hopefully help ensure that we are taking a Kerosene heater to the new house and heating up the inside. We need to dry out the electrical panel. to see if it is salvageable or not. I am hoping it is but if not the builder will be responsible for it.


Someone from the builder showed up

They are blaming the Ice on condensation saying it is coming from below not above. I don't know if I believe that or not, because it that was the case, then wouldn't the whole house been affected? But we can find out by heating the house, so that is another reason why we are gonna get get a Kerosene heater to see if that is really the issue or if it is really the roof.

His solution to the fix is spray foam insulation on the bottom of our house. Which was already suppose to have been done. He asked where the closest Lowe's was which is around the corner from the property and said he would be right back. We left went out of town did a few errands before going back to the property. They haven't been back and we were gone nearly 2 hours ourselves. I am not sure if they are coming back today or not. He said he would be right back, but I would have expected that it would have been done, by the time we got back not that they didn't come back.

I think we might have to finish the home ourselves.

I am really starting to think we might have to finish our home ourselves. If that is the case the builder will be giving us some money back. I am hoping they do the right thing and finish our home properly. But if they don't we will and they will eat the cost of the crap unskilled crews they have sent out to us

Today has been an emotional roller coaster

There has been lows and highs today. I think I am gonna ride the high and not let the lows get me down.



Hi @tecnosgirl...

I hate to see this kind of crap happen to anyone - lest of all a fellow Steemian. I'm a general contractor in Florida and have been building homes and high rises for... Well, lets just say for a very long time. LoL...

The issue of moisture inside the structure could have several causes, and to be perfectly honest about it, all of them can be blamed on the contractor.

  • if the builder is attributing it to "condensation" from below the foundation, it can be blamed directly on the vapor barrier either not being installed properly, or not at all.
  • if the moisture is due to leaks in the roof or siding, that one speaks for itself, and is directly because of crappy construction.

As far as the electric panel goes, it should be fine once it's dried out - even if the panel gets a little rusted, as long as the breakers and contact points have no damage, there should be no issues...

You're almost there - pretty soon the only worries will be who's gonna help moving the furniture in... :)

thank you for confirming what I was 99% sure of

Construction sucks. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Hope you can salvage your electrical panel!

This is just ongoing ins't it? I hope everything gets sorted out so you can finally relax in peace!

It seems to never end and we just heard back from the line supervisor and it is not good, there are 6 jobs in front of ours and he couldn't even give us a time frame on when it will be started. Apparently Anderson City Utilities are the only Utilities in America who doesn't work when it is cold out. Seriously 6 jobs each one doesn't take longer than half to a full day so they should say Jan 20 or Feb 5th or when ever but give me a time frame.

Ya that is so frustrating. Like who wants to get paid and build there business. Let's go people!

If it was a private owned utility I bet they would be out there getting it down but because the city we live in owns the utilities we are on their time table. What they don't know is my husband has already been talking to the state regulators and they think the job should have already been done too. So if they don't schedule it soon they will have to deal with the state.

For sure, private companies are the ones that keep everyone in check!!

Congrats on the permit and fingers crossed for tolerable 'working' weather for the delicate flowers who will be installing the system.

Builder still trying to sidestep and juggle, I see. At least, he's consistent.

Right and the guy they send was rude. Tried to blame the issue on us not having electric and the heat going yet. But as you can see from @drdave comment it is still a builder issue.

@drdave nailed it. Oh, and the faster they 'dance', the 'wronger they know they are'. Cut them NO slack.

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