How to choose a construction company?

in #construction2 years ago

Choosing a reliable company is the alpha and omega of successful low-rise building construction. Small technical errors in the course of work are not so terrible as cooperation with builders who are not trustworthy. So, how to choose the right construction company? What criteria should be guided by when choosing the executor of your country dream?

At first sight
When you are just starting to study the construction services market and collect the first information about organizations, you can already brush aside dangerous options. Obviously, seasonal crews, unofficial contractors, and outright coven workers should not be considered qualified builders at all. And for private, and indeed any, construction, professionals are needed.

Construction companies that are engaged in high-level projects are interested in attracting customers, therefore they have open and accessible information about their services on the Internet. Explore the website of the candidates you are interested in. It should be "live", that is, reflect the current state of the company, contain news, reviews, portfolios, standard projects.

Find the license number and verify its authenticity. Find out the age of the organization. What guarantees are offered to customers, are there any additional services - all this is important for making a first impression.

On closer inspection
Examples of finished projects will help you choose a construction company for building a house . There should be at least two or three, and the more the better. Are the sketches carefully worked out, is the layout thought out, are the climate features taken into account and is it possible to individualize standard houses?

When deciding which construction company to choose, read the recommendations and reviews. On the site of a reliable developer, you will not find template praises or “plastic” recommendations. Try to find real people who have worked with the company you like and ask them about the construction progress, costs, difficulties, if any.

What is very important when choosing contractors, but not always possible, is to inspect the houses built earlier. If the company provides such an opportunity, this is a great advantage. When violations of technology are allowed during the construction of a house, they emerge after a year or two of operation. They did not see any flaws in the finished houses - the builders did their best.

A visit to the office will tell a lot about the company . Mark the details: is it convenient to work for visits, how is communication with customers. Maybe someone came with a claim? You are more likely to cooperate with those people with whom you enjoy communication - it is easy to work when you are understood.

As a test, agree on a trial estimate. It should be detailed, thoughtful, but without the cost of materials and unnecessary work, which the technology of building a house does not imply. It is difficult for a non-specialist to evaluate the estimate, and if you decide to pay a lot of money for the construction of this particular company, then it makes sense to spend money on the examination of the estimate. Believe me, the costs will pay off with a vengeance.

Signs of reliability
The following aspects of its activities will help you choose the right construction company:

The presence of a permanent qualified staff. This gives a certain guarantee that the construction will be completed on time, there will be no dubious subcontracting or shifting responsibility due to frequent team changes.
Own quality control service. How honest this service is is a secondary question. But only serious organizations that take a responsible approach to work can organize it.
There are no cases in the database of the Supreme Arbitration Court related to the company as a legal entity, and there are no records in the open lists of the tax service that it is preparing for bankruptcy.
The company has been operating on the market for more than three years. Beginners in the profession can also be reliable performers, but you don’t want to test this at the cost of a family budget, do you?
The company has a demonstration house that visually represents the possibilities of technology and planning.
Most of the tips we have given are universal in nature - they are applicable not only to finding an organization to build a private house or summer cottage, but also allow you to choose a construction company to repair an apartment. We hope that our recommendations will help you find a truly reliable contractor who will build your dream home!


The choice is not easy to make. Each construction company in los angeles california advertises itself as best it can, but it’s not clear how to find a really great option among all. I chose based on reviews and portfolio. The age of the company also played an important role. That is, how many years has she been doing her job.

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