Building a Pole Barn?

in #construction7 years ago

My wife and I purchased some land about seven miles west of our house. The land is 1.25 acre which we have affectionately nicknamed, "The Property". The Property was severely overgrown with trees and dead fall. We have trimmed some of the fallen trees back and created a place we can drive our car or truck in.

My wife and I decided that we should start chopping up trees and selling fire wood. Problem is we had no place to stack cord wood and keep it dry.

As luck would have it, the previous owner of the land had installed poles about 20 years ago for a pole barn project. Unfortunately, the poles were the only part of the project that got of the ground. Upon inspection of the poles they seem to be in pretty good condition. I have worked construction for the past 15 years and felt Apt to take on such a project. So off we went.

Design Phase:



Straighten Poles and Brace:


Build a Truss Template and cut lumber:


Build 14 More Trusses!


Brother-in-law helping


Father-in-law helping me.


First couple of trusses going up.




First Sheet Going on.


Half Sheeted


Sheeting Done


Pre-Drilling Steel Roof Panels and Installation.







This project took six Saturdays to complete start to finish, not including the two Saturdays we skipped. Thanks for checking out my posts. I hope to find time to share some of my other projects that I have completed or upcoming. Have yourself a good one!


Great. I have lots of chicken and wanted to build a place for them. This could be a guide. Thanks

Certainly. You can do a pole barn on a small scale as well! I have build a couple of chicken coops. There is not much criteria for a coop. You need a run, where the chickens can scratch at the dirt. You need a roost, a place for them to sleep up off the ground, and nest boxes. I recommend a small coop that you can tractor around to fresh dirt and grass, the chicken love to forage on grasses and bugs. Ill try and do a post on chicken coop design.

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