A travelling wonderer

{This post is part of the "Constrained Writing" Contest hosted here.}

-A travelling wonderer-

Well, I finally woke up after travelling through an inter-dimensional portal. As my senses sharpened and rolled to unto my back, I became... perturbed. I still heard the portal gate still open, but the room was darker than a new moon night. Thinking it to be anomaly, I switched on the flashlight to have the room become darker. Then the portal closed up on me, which also caused my flashlight to fry. By then, the room became "lit" and I asked myself did the roles of light "reverse" here?... Then I heard commotion nearby...

"Portal closed! Remember: flash the light at them. Alright: 3, 2, 1... GO!"

Then I saw aliens enter the room with "lights" flashing in, I went blind once more. I thought I was a goner, but I wasn't... They instead went on to say:

"Ooooh! Honey, it's those silly meat bags experimenting with universe hopping."

"Ha, we got worked up over nothing..."

I preceded to ask:

"I'm not going to ask how we can understand each other, but there's been more of my people attempting this?"

Since I couldn't "see" in their "light," one of two said:

"Yeah, you won't be the first or last traveler. We'll make this simple and transport you back to where you came from."

I was full of joy and nodded intensely as they can apparently "see" - getting the gesture, they opened a portal and transported me back home. Since getting back home, I just don't know what to do...


You just planted 0.21 tree(s)!

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Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
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Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

A new race that has to make the room become darker to be able to see? Interesting, interesting. I like it! :D

Thank you very much for your entry!

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