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RE: The Sound In Silence (Constrained Writing Entry)

I.. I... wanted to comment on how much I loved this part, and have copied it to clipboard to carry it into the comment.

He felt the vibration in his throat, the rumble in his chest, he felt the sound, but he couldn’t hear it.

But when I finished the story... I no longer want to talk about that... Any of that...
You sent shivers down my spine, @calluna. This isn't just a terrificaly written story... It's a very well thought out all around masterpiece.

I now want to know more about what the true plans of whoever did that are... The real intention behind making the majority of the population go deaf... And for the love of all that is mighty... How they've done it.

Would I like a part 2? Most definitely.
Do I like that it stops right where it does and leaves me with all these questions? Very much.

Well done, @calluna.
Well done.


Thank you so much! Not just for the day-making feedback, but for the contest and continued reason to write. You push me to be braver in writing, it makes such a difference to me having the opportunity to be adventurous. I wanted so much to write a story that was scary for what it didn't tell and this prompt was just a perfect one to try it with, I wasn't sure how well it had worked, so to see you describe exactly what I was going for, I am just blown away right now. Thank you so so much! I am not sure if a part two could answer those questions, I have got myself into a tight little corner on the who, why and how, and I suspect the possibility would be better than anything I could come up with.

I already feel like I should give you credit for improving my skills in so many stories I write, I write in styles I never would have, try things that I would have veered away from, and when I read something back, I can see the influence of your various rounds. Thank you doesn't seem like enough of a word anymore <3

Thank you so very much for this comment! I am very happy to hear this! Very, very, very happy! And very, very, very shy and speechless.

The most important take-out that I believe you can take from all of this is to believe in yourself, because clearly, you can do it! You've proven that to me, other readers, and most importantly, you've proven it to yourself.
Writing is one of those arts where not even the sky is the limit, unless you make it be. You're your own biggest, and only, obstacle standing in the way of whatever it is you want to reach.
I'm so very happy to see you try new things all the time, and loving it! Writing is, after all, a place where your imagination should run loose without the restriction of some writing style you are already familiar with and just like the sound of. Sometimes, well, you just got to step out of the comfort zone and write something completely different to the style you're used to writing in.

As for the part two, I'm honestly happy there isn't/won't be one. I like stories that tell just enough, and let the reader's imagination fill in the blanks. ;)

melts down into a puddle of water
Thank you, but the pleasure is all mine, and the work is all you. I'm happy to be of help! Thank you for participating, the kind words, and just being a very warm and friendly person overall. You're what makes this community awesome! <3

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