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RE: Voices: The Party (Multiple Personalities Constrained Writing Contest)

I absolutely loved this!
It might have even been a bit too real!

Now I want to meet the other two beside Bri and Kim :P

Excellent job! Thank you very much for your entry!


Thank you :) I hope to write more about the experience... I have quite a bit written already, but need some creative writing to fill in some blanks and that gets a little difficult. I'm not sure what to do with such an intense story, but I will share it at some point, one way or another.

Thank you for the contest inspiration to finally get started!

If it helps you to write it down, Write it down. No need to share it publicly.
To me it helps sometimes to write things down for myself, not the general public.
Just a way of "facing" the problems ^^

I wrote and wrote and wrote. Of course this was 20 years ago, so it was mostly in notebooks :) I had dozens and dozens full at one point. I've also typed up about 300 pages on the computer that I still have around here. Writing has helped me work through tons of things.

I am going to write it in some format to share publicly (although I'll probably do that anonymously) because I think it's a story worth sharing and there is SO much misinformation and understanding. I also don't think it's something to be ashamed of and I would want anyone else out there going through it to know that it is something you can heal from. It is just our body's way of protecting itself from trauma and I think it's a pretty amazing thing, actually. Not the trauma, of course, because that is horrific and awful part of it, but the fact that our brains can do this to keep us sane? That's pretty fucking amazing to me. Even in the midst of the worst of it, I found that to be kind of miraculous in a way, you know?

Writing helped me a lot also, with whatever was bothering me. Pretty much how I started with stories ^^

To see you look at all of it like this, is amazing. It just makes me feel amazing. And makes me feel invincible against all my problems. That mindset of yours is damn amazing. It's contagious, even! :D

Well that's a pretty awesome response! I'm glad I could make you see it in a different way :) I don't often feel invincible, but I think we as humans can do a lot more than we think! Writing is powerful and sharing is awesome too. You never know who you might help! :)

Thank you for this comment. It really brought a smile to my face!

I.. couldn't agree more with what you wrote. Well said.

So, we're both smiling now?
Gee, I don't know, should I feel silly about this? I kind of do. But feels good too. I like it. Let's smile together more often, shall we?
I'll propose this, when you read this, smile as wide as you can, and know that I smiled from ear to ear when I wrote it down. :P

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